Posts by fulltilt

    i-mscp 1.5.3

    debian 9

    Fail2Ban v0.9.6

    fail2ban (debian9) which port is the correct one for dovecot & postfix-sasl?

    sometimes I see a few unban errors with Fail2Ban v0.9.6

    I removed imap3 because of F2B errors ...

    can all the old imap2 & imap3 variables safely replaced by imap only?

    1. smtp,465,submission,imap,imaps,pop3,pop3s

    If you need to install i-mscp on debian buster right now, you can do this:

    HowTo: I-MSCP 1.5.3 installation on Debian 10

    Nobody claims that there will be no open source or community version in the future, I could imagine that both can work side by side.

    Nuxwin did a great job ... but when you have to answer stupid questions for about 10 years at some point it makes you sick & burned out ...

    all these shitstorms are useless and inappropriate, give him some time to recover for a while!

    I guess (hopefully) that his work will continue very soon.

    there is no better solution for a migration as i-mscp itself.

    i-mscp is relatively stable and safe and can still be used until a new release arrives....

    ispconfig has nice features but ispconfig is not really user-friendly & stable, for a migration thousands of symlinks would have to be created in the webfolder path structure which could have an negative impact on security ... ispconfig would be OK if you start from the beginning without migrating from other panels.

    It is not really difficult to install I-MSCP stable on Buster ...

    I use PHP 7.0 with phpswitcher, mariadb 10.3 MUST be selected.

    - install debian 10

    1. nano /usr/local/src/imscp-1.5.3-2018120800/autoinstaller/Packages/debian-buster.xml


    1. nano /etc/apt/preferences.d/imscp
    2. # remove
    3. Package: libmariadbclient18 mariadb-client-10.1 mariadb-common mariadb-server-core-10.1 mysql-common
    4. Pin: release o=Debian,n=stretch
    5. Pin-Priority: 1001

    Important note:

    During the setup mariadb 10.3 MUST be selected, if the software installer is to be used PHP 7.0 must be installed as the default PHP version.


    1. perl imscp-autoinstall -d

    install PHPswitcher plugin

    install packaged PHP versions for PHPswitcher

    ## update see additional stuff ##

    HowTo: I-MSCP 1.5.3 installation on Debian 10