Posts by Heppi
Huh, I had a look at your gitlab.rb.
try to enable nginx -
After my recipe I got this apache config (slightly modified ip/name)HTML- <VirtualHost>
- ServerAdmin
- ServerName
- ServerAlias
- DocumentRoot /var/www/virtual/
- DirectoryIndex disabled
- LogLevel error
- ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/
- Alias /errors/ /var/www/virtual/
- SSLEngine On
- SSLCertificateFile /var/www/imscp/gui/data/certs/
- Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000"
- <Directory /var/www/virtual/>
- Options FollowSymLinks
- AllowOverride AuthConfig Indexes Limit Options=Indexes,MultiViews \
- Fileinfo=RewriteEngine,RewriteOptions,RewriteBase,RewriteCond,RewriteRule Nonfatal=Override
- Require all granted
- </Directory>
- RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "http"
- RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Port 80
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- ProxyPassMatch ^/((?!(?:errors|\.well-known)/).*) http://localhost:8888/$1 retry=30 timeout=7200
- ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8888/
- Include /etc/apache2/imscp/
- </VirtualHost>
- <VirtualHost>
- ServerAdmin
- ServerName
- ServerAlias
- DocumentRoot /var/www/virtual/
- DirectoryIndex disabled
- LogLevel error
- ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/
- Alias /errors/ /var/www/virtual/
- <Directory /var/www/virtual/>
- Options FollowSymLinks
- AllowOverride AuthConfig Indexes Limit Options=Indexes,MultiViews \
- Fileinfo=RewriteEngine,RewriteOptions,RewriteBase,RewriteCond,RewriteRule Nonfatal=Override
- Require all granted
- </Directory>
- RedirectMatch 301 ^/((?!(?:errors|\.well-known)/).*)$1
- Include /etc/apache2/imscp/
- </VirtualHost>
I am using 1.4.7 i-mscp and Debian 9.
You see some differences!On a shell on your server try a wget of your port 8888. WHat is the result?
That is the key of the success
The howto should be updated to remove the useless parts (Apache vhosts creation) which should be replaced with instructions for setting the proxy with the preserve host option through the control panel. Could you take care of this?
Wiki is updated
My first timeSomebody should read over it.
Apache log file?
NGinx Log file?subdomain created by imscp? Then a restart had occcured automatically.
When done manually, apache restart executed? -
I have installed Gitlab too.
I followed the recipe described here Gitlab i-MSCP HowTo
Except I use now the normal Panel to configure the proxyAfter this using Letsencrypt for SSL works fine, too.
So, overall it is easy when you follow the link above!
Thank you for your effort, but it is really low prio.
I can install it again and waitNB: Did you read the first two sentences of the first post ?
Thank you again. -
Yes, it as was installed like @TheCry said. And deinstalled at upgrade. Sorry for missing clarification.
Hello Nuxwin,
I want to inform you that the debian Jessie to Stretch plus i-mscp 1.3.16 -> 1.4.7 update has successfully finished (only minor issues on my side)
I want to thank you (and your team) for that work.Peter
NB: How can I prevent i-mscp to deinstall an additionally installed package (here sendmailanalyzer)
Hello Nuxwin,
Mailman 2.0.3 has two problems.
1.) Minor -> gives version info 2.0.22.) Probably fatal -> SQL file #005 the second SET command is wrong, should be "," insead of "SET". Last char ";" on prev line should be deleted. Right?
I won't post that code, because of paid plugin. Correct?
PS: I fixed in my setup by running directly in phpMyAdmin.