Thanks Viktor
Ye, these pages you mentioned are not done yet and work in progress - but ofc i will do them
Thanks Viktor
Ye, these pages you mentioned are not done yet and work in progress - but ofc i will do them
Just a few new updates (View on GitHub)
If anyone already uses this theme, any feedback would be great!
Just another quick update (really busy atm - but found some time between)
Manage domains screen
Add domain alias
Try it yourself:
Publication on my facebook regarding this works
Thanks Nuxwin
Basics are nearly done - the next step will be "main"-pages like manage domains, ftp, sql, email ... so the pages you use most - i assume.
Added forms markup from "Add admin" & "Add reseller".
Heres a quick (sadly laggy & bad quality) video to show:
Just another quick update for you guys
First version of the styled dataTables - also responsive version.
You can try it yourself here - - pls report if you got any problems - heavily WIP
thanks a lot Nuxwin
wont spam this thread with every small update, but heres another form example with 2 columns - these are just the first forms - so no further form update screenshot
Getting started with forms, also removed the second headline on every page (TR_TITLE) - because there are many duplicates then - ill add this headline on serveral pages (where it makes sense).
Hi again,
here`s the Github Repository im currently working on:
Ofc im happy about every star on that rep, good to know how many ppl are interested in this
There is still a lot to do - but at least thats something for now.
hi guys,
sry again for that long time with no answer ..
Wont promise some new theme or smth like that again until i have to show some serious layout which is at least usable (currently there is a private github rep).
Considering the fact that this layout probably never arises, I would like to ask if there is any instruction or recommendation to create your own layouts? I will have some time soon, I might try to create something. Perhaps it will not be a visual peak, but maybe it will breathe some freshness into the panel
getting started with your own theme:
in your /etc/imscp/imscp.conf
opcache.enable = 0
in your /usr/local/etc/imscp_panel/php.ini
with service imscp_panel restart
to /var/www/imscp/gui/themes/themename
in your /etc/imscp/imscp.conf
from default
to themename