Posts by batZen

    Not my plugin so I'll take care when I'll have time. Anyway, you can ignore those messages ATM. Google a bit to know why ;)

    thank you, i did some google. Seems that rules are loaded only some rules are not used... here is a good explain:


    antidebug_antivm.yar contains 12 rules which uses the pe module (pe.imports), so only these 12 rules will be skipped/ignored, the rest of the rules will be loaded (113 loaded rules)

    malicious_document.yar contains 5 rules which uses uint32be, so only these 5 rules will be skipped/ignored, the rest of the rules will be loaded (15 loaded rules)


    So a new Clamav need to fix the problem and support the skipped rules.

    1. -rw------- 1 postfix postfix 33 Jul 24 21:25 master.lock-rw------- 1 postfix postfix 8192 Jul 24 21:27 postscreen_cache.db-rw------- 1 postfix postfix 1024 Jul 24 21:27 prng_exch-rw------- 1 postfix postfix 8192 Jul 24 21:27 smtpd_scache.db


    1. drwxr-xr-x 2 postfix postfix 4096 Jul 24 21:27 postfix

    Did that, file was created but still getting the error message? I think it's safe to just ignore it?

    1. menkisyscloudsrv33 postfix/postscreen[29379]: close database /var/lib/postfix/postscreen_cache.db: No such file or directory (possible Berkeley DB bug)

    I Use Postscreen Plugin Version 1.1.0

    After checking Mail Logs i found this error:

    1. Jul 24 21:00:31 menkisyscloudsrv33 postfix/postscreen[28206]: close database /var/lib/postfix/postscreen_cache.db: No such file or directory (possible Berkeley DB bug)

    I think postscreen is working, but maybe this have some effect?

    i have this log entrys many times:

    sicher, dass du das root password falsch aufgeschrieben hast?

    schonmal mit:

    1. mysql -u root -h -p


    Denke, dass bei dir root@localhost beim Update auf 1.3.0 verschwunden ist.

    try as host

    or try this to fix the problem:

    1. # mysql -h -u root -p
    2. # CREATE USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
    3. # GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on *.* to 'root'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
    4. # flush privileges;
    5. # quit