Posts by TheCry

    I'd upgraded my server from i-mscp beta 4 to the actual trunk.
    While the installation i selected dovecot for the PO server...
    Everything works fine but at the end of the installation it apperas an error

    1. A log file with details can be found at: /var/log/imscp/imscp-setup.log
    2. ERRORS:
    3. Servers::httpd::apache2::disableSite: stderr ERROR: Site 00_master_ssl.conf does not exist!
    4. Accessing non existing config value PO_SERVER
    5. Use of uninitialized value $imscpConfigOld{"PO_SERVER"} in string eq at /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/../PerlLib/Servers/po/dovecot/ line 87, <$fh> line 1062.

    I don't use SSL on this server...
    The same problem appears on another server (upgrading from nightly to nightly) where i use SSL.
    After thsi i need to restart dovecot and everything is ok.

    On a server (Debian Squeeze) is ispcp 1.0.7 installed..
    Now i want to migrate to i-mscp...

    I downloaded the i-mscp 1.0.4 beta 4
    At first i unpack the package . After this i installed the requiered Dist packages

    1. aptitude install $(cat ./docs/Debian/debian-packages-`lsb_release -cs`)

    Now i started the migration script

    1. /usr/src/i-mscp-

    I got this

    1. /usr/src/i-mscp-
    2. [ERROR] Can`t read /etc/imscp/imscp.conf at /usr/share/perl/5.10/Log/ line 410
    3. Log::Message::store('Log::Message=HASH(0xcec8b0)', 'message', 'Can`t read /etc/imscp/imscp.conf', 'tag', 'FATAL ERROR', 'level', 'cluck') called at /usr/src/i-mscp- line 105
    4. iMSCP::Debug::fatal('Can`t read /etc/imscp/imscp.conf', 1) called at /usr/src/i-mscp- line 68
    5. iMSCP::Config::_loadConfig('iMSCP::Config=HASH(0x12e8548)') called at /usr/src/i-mscp- line 53
    6. iMSCP::Config::TIEHASH('iMSCP::Config', 'fileName', '/etc/imscp/imscp.conf') called at /usr/src/i-mscp- line 52
    7. iMSCP::Boot::init('iMSCP::Boot=HASH(0x12e82a8)', 'HASH(0x12e8338)') called at /usr/src/i-mscp- line 43 at Tue Aug 9 11:09:21 2011
    8. [FATAL ERROR] Can`t read /etc/imscp/imscp.conf

    Ist schon richtig was er eingetragen hat. Ich bin davon ausgegangen das er diese Domain nur für einen Server nutzt.
    Bei mir ist das genau die gleiche Einstellung, da ich meine Domain für alle meine Server nutze. Und die Einstellung * IN A gilt nur für meinen ersten Server. Jeden weiteren Server muss ich so eintragen wie Tango es gemacht hat.