Posts by Delta04

    Hello everybody,

    I wonder if there is a way to configure the DNS part, in i-mscp so that the main domain (domain.tld and cname www.domain.tld) to point outside, on a different server?
    The scenario is, main website is hosted outside i-mscp, i-mscp is used only for DNS, subdomains, mail and all that.

    For the moment I moddified the bind zone file so that it point to a different ip address where the website is running. Problem is that each time a subdomain is created, that file is overwritten.


    With the help of Nuxwin I manage to solve the problem. First of all, InstantSSH is by default sftp ready, not sftp enabled so, out of the box it will not work. To enable sftp you will have to edit /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/InstantSSH/config.php from,

    1. 'app_sections' => array( 'imscpbase' ),


    1. 'app_sections' => array(
    2. 'imscpbase', 'sftp'
    3. ),

    After that push "Update Plugins" button in i-mscp web interface, in the Administrator Account, Settings (upper corner, right), Plugin Management (lower corner, left).

    And don't forget to use the latest version of i-mscp and plugin.

    I'll test the plugin today, on onother server and come back with more details and information if necessary.


    I was testing the InstantSSH plugin on one of our servers and I notice that SSH was working perfectly but SFTP does not.
    Software info: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, I-mscp 1.1.18, InstantSSH 3.0.0

    On /var/log/auth.log I see,

    Indeed, there is no /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key file.
    Later edit: I have fixed this by running manually "ssh-keygen -A" to regenerate the missing files.

    WinSCP is saying,

    "Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?, Server sent command exit status 127."

    Could it be a bug or something like that? Any suggestions. :whistling:

    After update to 1.1.15, I notice that rouncube was displaying error "connection to storage server failed", I check the logs and I found " s=deferred
    (temporary failure. Command output: doveconf: Fatal: Error in configuration file /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf line 83: Unknown setting: ss l_protocols ) line 83 is ", the line is "ssl_protocols = !SSLv2 !SSLv3 ".

    Solution, comment that line and restart dovecot service.

    The issue is about # Prohibit usage of older and deprecated SSL protocols mostly due to the POODLE
    # vulnerability CVE-2014-3566

    ssl_protocols = !SSLv2 !SSLv3 parameter is only available in dovecot > 2.1

    In my scenario, Ubuntu 12.04LTS, dovecot version 2.0.19

    I will translate this from Romanian to English (you can try it too, with Google translate or some other tool).

    /*daca vrei, pentru niste bani iti zic ce trebuie sa faci sa nu "moare" serverul*/
    /*if you want, for some money I will tell you what to do, so your server will not "die" */

    I got no problem with the idea of a paid service, the problem is that he addressed me in my mother language, on an international forum.

    Thanks for the answer, there was no problem about the settings, it was a OPcache issue. I disabled it and now works fine. There was no Error 500, php5-fpm process was just dying.
    Thread is still open to suggestions on how to improve performance of a i-mscp server for large traffic websites. Who want's to share it to the community, off-cause.

    PS: We are on an international area of the forum, please write in English. Needforszpit was suggesting to share the information on private, for some money.

    Certainly that was not the way. It caused some problems on i-mscp and some websites so I remove the libapache2-mod-php5.Now, back to the original config.

    PHP 5.5.9, on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.