InstantSSH and SFTP

  • Hello,

    I was testing the InstantSSH plugin on one of our servers and I notice that SSH was working perfectly but SFTP does not.
    Software info: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, I-mscp 1.1.18, InstantSSH 3.0.0

    On /var/log/auth.log I see,

    Indeed, there is no /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key file.
    Later edit: I have fixed this by running manually "ssh-keygen -A" to regenerate the missing files.

    WinSCP is saying,

    "Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?, Server sent command exit status 127."

    Could it be a bug or something like that? Any suggestions. :whistling:

  • Hello ;

    No bug there. Post your full InstantSSH plugin configuration file. SFTP is not enabled by default.


  • With the help of Nuxwin I manage to solve the problem. First of all, InstantSSH is by default sftp ready, not sftp enabled so, out of the box it will not work. To enable sftp you will have to edit /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/InstantSSH/config.php from,

    1. 'app_sections' => array( 'imscpbase' ),


    1. 'app_sections' => array(
    2. 'imscpbase', 'sftp'
    3. ),

    After that push "Update Plugins" button in i-mscp web interface, in the Administrator Account, Settings (upper corner, right), Plugin Management (lower corner, left).

    And don't forget to use the latest version of i-mscp and plugin.

    I'll test the plugin today, on onother server and come back with more details and information if necessary.