Posts by akong7777

    My panel url is

    It's my test

    My system is Debian 8 and use imscp 1.4.3
    Today I run apt-get upgrade command.It's will show follow error.

    I make sure imscp_panel service has running.But I don't know what is this error.
    Please check this error if it's error message can help maintenance.

    I run apache2ctl -t
    It's show
    Syntax OK

    I have restart apache2.It's show

    [FAIL] Restarting web server: apache2 failed!
    [....] There are processes named 'apache2' running which do not match your pid file which are left untouched in the name of safety, Please rev[warnhe situation by hand. ... (warning).

    I try upgrade from 1.3.16 to 1.4.3 will failed.
    Failed message:

    [ERROR] Servers::httpd::apache_fcgid::start: Couldn't start the `apache2' service: Unknown error at /root/software/imscp-1.4.3/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ line 186.

    [ERROR] autoinstaller::Functions::install: An error occurred while performing installation steps

    How to fix it?