wooot noooooooooooooo
Posts by tilicar
Ok here-s the link
http://gratare.tk/joomla_3_3_6_en.tar.gzgratare.tk is my site with barbeque stuffs. i hope is ok !
Please Sorry for double post ! ! !
I found the solution ! ! !All I must to do was to add the value in SQL file.
Problem Solved.
The package working fine !Where to put this new version of Joomla 3.3.6 Package to anybody else use it ?
i make a mistake here:
this is what i need :
Thanks. Owsome !
Now I have some problems.
The new version of joomla don't have column "usertype".
In this column you enter the "ID" from the "Super User" row.For example Super User have the ID -> 8.
The new version of joomla move that column in another table called "user_usergroup_map"
this table have 2 columns: "user_id" and "group_id".If someone know perl language, i need following:
-SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = admin ;
-memorate the value like: $adminid = $row[id]
-INSERT INTO `user_usergroup_map` (`user_id`, `group_id`) VALUES ('42', '8')I need this because in the script after i update the admin details, I must make him Super User, else he can't login.
I need to use it after this code
Code- #Update Datebase with variables $sql = " UPDATE `".$new_table_users."` SET `email` = '".$sw_install_email."', `name` = '".$sw_install_username."', `password` = '".$loginpasswordhash."', `registerDate` = '".$setdatetime."', `lastvisitDate` = '".$setdatetime."', `username` = '".$sw_install_username."' WHERE `username` = 'admin' ; "; doSQL($sql);
I put the joomlaen script for helping the work.
PHP- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # i-MSCP a internet Multi Server Control Panel
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2010 by internet Multi Server Control Panel - http://i-mscp.net
- #
- #
- # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- # Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- # compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- #
- # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- # basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- # License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- # under the License.
- #
- # The Original Code is "i-MSCP a internet Multi Server Control Panel".
- #
- # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ispCP Team.
- # Portions created by Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 by
- # i-MSCP a internet Multi Server Control Panel. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # The i-MSCP Home Page is:
- #
- # http://i-mscp.net
- #
- use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Load configuration from i-MSCP configuration file
- #
- # @return int 0 on success, negative int otherwise
- #
- sub getConf {
- my $file;
- if(-e '/usr/local/etc/imscp/imscp.conf'){
- $file = '/usr/local/etc/imscp/imscp.conf';
- } elsif(-e '/etc/imscp/imscp.conf') {
- $file = '/etc/imscp/imscp.conf';
- } else {
- return -1;
- }
- return -1 if ! open F, '<', $file;
- %main::cfg = join('', <F>) =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/gm;
- close F;
- %main::cfg ? 0 : 1;
- }
- my ($sw_database_pass_clear, $sw_database_pass_md5, $sw_install_pass_clear, $sw_install_pass_md5, $sql, $url_path, $DBname, $hostname, $dbUser, $dbPassword);
- my ($processing_type,$sw_software_db,$sw_software_prefix,$sw_database,$sw_database_user,$sw_database_tmp_pwd,$sw_install_username,$sw_install_password,$sw_install_email,$domain_name,$sw_dest_path,$sw_path);
- sub extract_variables {
- my $crypted_array = shift;
- my $uncrypted_array = decode_base64($crypted_array);
- ($processing_type,$sw_software_db,$sw_software_prefix,$sw_database,$sw_database_user,$sw_database_tmp_pwd,$sw_install_username,$sw_install_password,$sw_install_email,$domain_name,$sw_dest_path,$sw_path)=split(/,/, $uncrypted_array);
- if($processing_type && $sw_software_prefix && $sw_database && $sw_database_user && $sw_database_tmp_pwd && $sw_install_username && $sw_install_password && $sw_install_email && $domain_name && $sw_dest_path && $sw_path) {
- if ($sw_database ne "not_required") {
- $sw_database_pass_clear = $sw_database_tmp_pwd;
- $sw_database_pass_md5 = md5_hex($sw_database_pass_clear);
- #New database connection to the user database
- imscp_installer_set_new_db_connection($sw_database,$sw_database_user,$sw_database_pass_clear);
- } else {
- $sw_database_pass_clear = $sw_database_tmp_pwd;
- $sw_database_pass_md5 = $sw_database_tmp_pwd;
- }
- $sw_install_pass_clear = $sw_install_password;
- $sw_install_pass_md5 = md5_hex($sw_install_pass_clear);
- } else {
- print "[DEGUB] i-MSCP installer file - Some variables not defined in the uncrytped string\n";
- exit();
- }
- }
- sub imscp_installer_set_new_db_connection {
- @main::db_connect = undef;
- $DBname = shift;
- $dbUser = shift;
- $dbPassword = shift;
- $hostname = 'localhost';
- @main::db_connect = ("DBI:mysql:$DBname:$hostname", $dbUser, $dbPassword);
- }
- sub imscp_installer_package_start {
- if($processing_type eq "install") {
- print "[DEGUB] i-MSCP installer file - installation process start\n";
- } elsif ($processing_type eq "uninstall") {
- print "[DEGUB] i-MSCP installer file - uninstallation process start\n";
- }
- }
- sub imscp_installer_package_end {
- if($processing_type eq "install") {
- print "[DEGUB] i-MSCP installer file - installation process end\n";
- } elsif ($processing_type eq "uninstall") {
- print "[DEGUB] i-MSCP installer file - uninstallation process end\n";
- }
- setup_main_vars();
- }
- if(getConf() != 0) {
- print "[DEGUB] i-MSCP installer file - Can't load imscp.conf\n";
- } else {
- #
- # Do not make changes to this static vars
- #
- sub get_inc_path {
- if(getConf() != 0) {
- print "[DEGUB] i-MSCP installer file - Can't load imscp.conf\n";
- } else {
- my $imscp_path = $main::cfg{'ROOT_DIR'}.'/engine';
- }
- }
- use lib get_inc_path();
- require 'imscp_common_code.pl';
- my $crypted_array = $ARGV[0];
- if ($crypted_array) {
- extract_variables("$crypted_array");
- my $db_tables = "sql_tables";
- $url_path = $sw_path;
- $url_path =~ s/^\/.*htdocs//g;
- #
- # This is the place for dynamic vars
- #
- my $config_file = "configuration.php";
- my $emailadress = $sw_install_email;
- my $table_users = "users";
- my $new_table_users = $sw_software_prefix.$table_users;
- if($processing_type eq "install") {
- ## Don't remove this line below ##
- imscp_installer_package_start();
- ##################################
- my $securekey = `$main::cfg{'CMD_PHP'} -n ./securekey.php`;
- my $configfile_entry = "<?php
- class JConfig {
- var \$sitename = '$domain_name';
- var \$dbtype = 'mysqli';
- var \$host = 'localhost';
- var \$user = '$sw_database_user';
- var \$password = '$sw_database_pass_clear';
- var \$db = '$sw_database';
- var \$dbprefix = '$sw_software_prefix';
- var \$mailfrom = '$sw_install_email';
- var \$fromname = '$sw_install_username';
- var \$log_path = '$sw_dest_path/logs';
- var \$tmp_path = '$sw_dest_path/phptmp';
- /* Site Settings */
- var \$offline = '0';
- var \$offline_message = 'This site is down for maintenance.<br /> Please check back again soon.';
- var \$editor = 'tinymce';
- var \$list_limit = '20';
- var \$legacy = '0';
- /* Debug Settings */
- var \$debug = '0';
- var \$debug_lang = '0';
- /* Server Settings */
- var \$live_site = '';
- var \$secret = '$securekey';
- var \$gzip = '0';
- var \$error_reporting = '-1';
- var \$helpurl = 'http://help.joomla.org';
- var \$xmlrpc_server = '0';
- var \$ftp_host = '';
- var \$ftp_port = '21';
- var \$ftp_user = '';
- var \$ftp_pass = '';
- var \$ftp_root = '';
- var \$ftp_enable = '0';
- var \$force_ssl = '0';
- /* Locale Settings */
- var \$offset = 'Europe/Amsterdam';
- var \$offset_user = 'Europe/Amsterdam';
- /* Mail Settings */
- var \$mailer = 'mail';
- var \$sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
- var \$smtpauth = '0';
- var \$smtpsecure = 'none';
- var \$smtpport = '25';
- var \$smtpuser = '';
- var \$smtppass = '';
- var \$smtphost = 'localhost';
- /* Cache Settings */
- var \$caching = '0';
- var \$cachetime = '15';
- var \$cache_handler = 'file';
- /* Meta Settings */
- var \$MetaDesc = 'Joomla!';
- var \$MetaKeys = 'joomla, Joomla';
- var \$MetaTitle = '1';
- var \$MetaAuthor = '1';
- /* SEO Settings */
- var \$sef = '0';
- var \$sef_rewrite = '0';
- var \$sef_suffix = '0';
- /* Feed Settings */
- var \$feed_limit = 10;
- var \$feed_email = 'author';
- /* Session Setting */
- var \$lifetime = '15';
- var \$session_handler = 'database';
- }
- ?>";
- open(CONFIGFILE,'>'.$sw_dest_path.'/'.$config_file);
- print CONFIGFILE "$configfile_entry";
- #Dump import
- sys_command("mysql -u".$sw_database_user." -p".$sw_database_pass_clear." ".$sw_database." < ./sql/SQL.sql");
- #Rename SQL-Tables
- open(SQL_TABLES,'<'.$db_tables) or die("Unable to open file: ".$db_tables);
- my @sql_table_data = <SQL_TABLES>;
- chomp (@sql_table_data);
- close(SQL_TABLES);
- foreach my $sql_table_data_line (@sql_table_data) {
- $sql = "
- `".$sql_table_data_line."`
- TO
- `".$sw_software_prefix.$sql_table_data_line."`
- ;
- ";
- doSQL($sql);
- }
- my $setdatetime = `date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`;
- my $salt = `$main::cfg{'CMD_PHP'} -n ./salt.php`;
- my $loginpasswordhash = `$main::cfg{'CMD_PHP'} -n ./make_password.php $sw_install_pass_clear $salt`;
- #Update Datebase with variables
- $sql = "
- `".$new_table_users."`
- `email` = '".$sw_install_email."',
- `name` = '".$sw_install_username."',
- `password` = '".$loginpasswordhash."',
- `registerDate` = '".$setdatetime."',
- `lastvisitDate` = '".$setdatetime."',
- `username` = '".$sw_install_username."'
- `username` = 'admin'
- ;
- ";
- doSQL($sql);
- ## Don't remove this line below ##
- imscp_installer_package_end();
- ##################################
- } elsif ($processing_type eq "uninstall") {
- ## Don't remove this line below ##
- imscp_installer_package_start();
- ##################################
- #Drop existing SQL-Tables
- open(SQL_TABLES,'<'.$db_tables) or die("Unable to open file: ".$db_tables);
- my @sql_table_data = <SQL_TABLES>;
- chomp (@sql_table_data);
- close(SQL_TABLES);
- foreach my $sql_table_data_line (@sql_table_data) {
- $sql = "
- `".$sw_software_prefix.$sql_table_data_line."`
- ;
- ";
- doSQL($sql);
- }
- ## Don't remove this line below ##
- imscp_installer_package_end();
- ##################################
- }
- } else {
- print "[DEGUB] i-MSCP installer file - No Input Data available\n";
- }
- }
Today I try to figure out why i-mscp don't want to add my joomla 3.3.6 software to software repositories, and I think i found why.I-MSCP Web software repository have a conection to http://app-pkg.i-mscp.net/imscp_webdepot_list.xml.
If my software is not in that list, I-MSCP Web software repository return's me with error: Your package is corrupt. Please correct it!
Is that right ?
If not, can someone explain me how to make/create/update autoinstall software for I-MSCP ?
I want to spend some to time to create some. -
PHP version name: PHP5.2 (Fcgid)
PHP binary path: /opt/php-fcgid/5.2/bin/php-cgi
PHP configuration directory path: /var/www/fcgi
I use the documentation from the PHPSwitcher plugin page. http://wiki.i-mscp.net/doku.php?id=plugins:phpswitcher
2. i want to enable ioncube for PHP provided by Debian. Default php version ! -
I do "/var/www/fcgi/<domain.tld>/php5/php.ini" and "/etc/php5/mods-available/ioncube.ini" .
I do all you say and nothing !Yes I use PhpSwitcher plugin !
I solved with the CronJob plugin.
But the IonCube, i don't understand what's wrong.
if I set up the apache use -> php-fpm, it work's. If I set up FastCGI don't work !
I fill any php.ini file with zend_extension, but nothing happends.
All i got is an error:
If I understand, it is the problem with open_basedir settings. I search on forum, but nothing help me ! -
After update i got 2 problems.
1. I can't make ioncube work. it tells me about open_basedir permision. I activate and deactivate that option from pannel but nothing happend.
2. I install CronJob from incubator and it gives me an error: Unknown Error as StatusI can't uninstall, i can't do nothing. I try to install last version from Plugin Store, but nothing happends !
Please Help !
Linux DistroUbuntu
PHP Version5.5.9
i-MSCP Version1.2.0
Apache Version2.4.7