Posts by Kika

    You will be prompted for mysql password. do not worry, is intended.

    ok, now creating the confs again :)[hr]
    check log for details...

    maybe i found the difference in the log: domain manager for other domains didn't try to decode password, but for this domain try and KEY or IV has invalid length

    i have error again. in the request manager log he last error message: KEY or IV ahs invalid length

    i search the database for the error status[hr]
    it was an htaccess problem: folder isn't exists

    so run setup again :)

    i have another error in the subdomaind table:

    get_tag() | [ERROR] '# httpd [] dmn group entry BEGIN.
    ' ne '# httpd [] dmn group entry END.
    ', '# httpd [] dmn group entry BEGIN.
    ' or '# httpd [] dmn group entry END.
    ' missing in src !

    maybe the setup script change only the "ok" status to "change" because i changed that manualy and run request manager by hand and all status are 'ok'.

    so i start the setup script again :D

    i have only one question :)

    I loaded the old database, and your script can decrypt the passwords, but how can i encrypt with the new format before insert into the updated imscp database? or i must use password as plain text in the new database?

    I saw the new passwords and i think that i found lot of "wrong" passwords with status ok. Sometimes i just see only 1-3 characters in this field[hr]
    thanks, this is works perfectly.

    this script is echo nothing. I inserted the $key and $iv from the ispcp's db key file, and i pasted from the db a mail password. I inserted an quote at the before and at the and of the decripted passwod and i see only "".