migration from ispcp

  • [code=php]<?php

    $key = 'putkey';
    $iv = put'iv';
    $pass = 'putpass';

    echo encrypt_db_password($pass, $key, $iv);

    function encrypt_db_password($db_pass, $key, $iv) {
    if (extension_loaded('mcrypt')) {
    $td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, '', 'cbc', '');
    $block_size = mcrypt_enc_get_block_size($td);
    $strlen = strlen($db_pass);
    $pads = $block_size-$strlen % $block_size;
    $db_pass .= str_repeat(' ', $pads);
    mcrypt_generic_init($td, $key, $iv);
    $encrypted = mcrypt_generic($td, $db_pass);
    $text = base64_encode("$encrypted");
    return trim($text);
    } else {
    throw new Exception(
    "ERROR: PHP extension 'mcrypt' not loaded!
    if you need to encrypt them. But now we use plain text passwords, so if you did not drop database to used an old dump to recreate, use plain text.


    • Database.php

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    Edited once, last by oldev01 ().

  • i updated all mailbox pass with plain text where status wasn't ok, thanks. I change the status to change and run the setup again

    OS: Debian Buster

    i-MSCP: GIT 1.5.3-maintenance branch

    Edited once, last by Kika ().

  • Even if remains 4 hour to sleep, I wait to see result :). So we know if we release beta 2 or not :)

  • No need :) is done by setup :D. Setup change all statuses to ensure a full rebuid.

  • i have another error in the subdomaind table:

    get_tag() | [ERROR] '# httpd [domain.com] dmn group entry BEGIN.
    ' ne '# httpd [domain.com] dmn group entry END.
    ', '# httpd [domain.com] dmn group entry BEGIN.
    ' or '# httpd [domain.com] dmn group entry END.
    ' missing in src !

    maybe the setup script change only the "ok" status to "change" because i changed that manualy and run request manager by hand and all status are 'ok'.

    so i start the setup script again :D

    OS: Debian Buster

    i-MSCP: GIT 1.5.3-maintenance branch

  • i have error again. in the request manager log he last error message: KEY or IV ahs invalid length

    i search the database for the error status[hr]
    it was an htaccess problem: folder isn't exists

    so run setup again :)

    OS: Debian Buster

    i-MSCP: GIT 1.5.3-maintenance branch

    Edited once, last by Kika ().

  • i have error again. in the request manager log he last error message: KEY or IV ahs invalid length
    i search the database for the error status

    set all statuses to ok, delete /etc/imscp/imscp-db-keys. and run setup again.
    oh, forget it if was htaccess problem

    Edited once, last by oldev01 ().

  • i've got error again, but i didn't find in this tables: domain, htaccess*, mail_users, subdomain. Where can i found?

    OS: Debian Buster

    i-MSCP: GIT 1.5.3-maintenance branch