Posts by Cool

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    Zur Besseren Ansicht, wie es ausehen soll, hier ein Screen von einem Ticket.:

    there is also the question if the backupspace should be included in diskspace or not, should it be a free service or a paid service...and so on

    anyone here is understanding what you like to achieve...but that is what you want.

    i-mscp dev´s allways have to find a balanced way wich will fit for most of theire users not only for one...and just that is not allways easy.

    but to help you further with a quick solution for your needs you just have to multiple
    my "dirty solution" to the amount of days you like. then inside the crons you set wich cron should run on wich day.
    you also have to do a chown/chmod to the backup directories(can eaven be done inside the backup-script) so that they are readable/changeable by user.

    so at this stage you have your backup-strategie.
    then you have to inform the user(s) that they have to rename the related backup-folder to the std. backup-folder(std. backupfolder has to be renamed first)
    so the user can restore any backup wich exists

    in this way you have what you want in about 15min.

    i pers. think this should not be part of the i-mscp cp at the moment.
    all depends on wich backup-policy the server-admin has overall. for my pers. policy backups are made and send to a backup-server(at least one)

    as every server-admins policy can be totally diff. so it is close to impossible to be handled by i-imscp(at this point(today))

    but this could may be a future wish if i-mscp ones become a "real" multi-server cp

    why is the rkhunter cron done in this way:
    @weekly root /usr/bin/rkhunter --cronjob --createlogfile /var/log/rkhunter.log.root --display-logfile 1>/var/log/rkhunter.log 2>/dev/null

    why not just:
    @weekly root /usr/bin/rkhunter --cronjob --createlogfile /var/log/rkhunter.log >/dev/null 2>&1

    i as allmost a no programmer would do it in a short dirty way
    1) copy /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-all to copy /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-all-1
    2) open /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-all-1 and search for "my $bkpDir = "$hDir/backups";"
    and change to "my $bkpDir = "$hDir/backups-1";"

    3) open /etc/cron.d/imscp and search for: "@daily root umask 027; /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-all yes &>/var/log/imscp/imscp-backup-all-mngr.log"
    and copy the line into the next line and change it to: "0 12 * * * root umask 027; /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-all-1 yes &>/var/log/imscp/imscp-backup-all-mngr.log"

    so you have one backup at night and one at noon. if you need more then just repeat the steps and change the "1" to "2" and adjust the cron-time.

    as this is just a dirty way the scripts will be overwritten if you update i-mscp. but this can be fixed with just a litle copy script.

    hope you understand the logic.

    yes...edit in: /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-all

    line: (118) :

    1. my $date<------>= strftime "%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M", localtime;


    1. my $date<------>= strftime "%Y.%m.%d-%H-%M", localtime;

    ohne jetzt ne ellen-lange diskussion loszutreten kan man wohl sagen das es keine groben unterschiede gibt auf der server-ebene.(gui ist ne andere sache)
    da ubuntu auf debian aufbaut und i-mscp wohl vorrangig debian nutzt wuerde ich pers. immer debian nutzen (bin aber auch zu fast 100% debianer)