Multiple backups

  • I'd like to ask, one admin feature. I hope you can make it easy. I would like if i could setup on admin/reseller panel and make multiple daily backups from domains like the multiple i-MSCP config backups.


  • I'd like to ask, one admin feature. I hope you can make it easy. I would like if i could setup on admin/reseller panel and make multiple daily backups from domains like the multiple i-MSCP config backups.


    Describe it please clearly. You can enable daily backups for all of your clients.

    Edited once, last by DragonZX ().

  • i as allmost a no programmer would do it in a short dirty way
    1) copy /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-all to copy /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-all-1
    2) open /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-all-1 and search for "my $bkpDir = "$hDir/backups";"
    and change to "my $bkpDir = "$hDir/backups-1";"

    3) open /etc/cron.d/imscp and search for: "@daily root umask 027; /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-all yes &>/var/log/imscp/imscp-backup-all-mngr.log"
    and copy the line into the next line and change it to: "0 12 * * * root umask 027; /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-all-1 yes &>/var/log/imscp/imscp-backup-all-mngr.log"

    so you have one backup at night and one at noon. if you need more then just repeat the steps and change the "1" to "2" and adjust the cron-time.

    as this is just a dirty way the scripts will be overwritten if you update i-mscp. but this can be fixed with just a litle copy script.

    hope you understand the logic.

  • Describe it please clearly. You can enable daily backups for all of your clients.

    Ok. so I want to if I have more than one backup per domain. Now every day the i-MSCP rewrite the daily backup at midngiht. If I can set example make backups 7 days or just 4 days etc. and after "7 "days rewrite the "first" backup and I can choose what day what I'd like to restore, this help to make more professional backup system. In the /var/www/imscp/backups I have more than 15 backups. The i-MSCP made more than one backup (one backup/day), this is what I want to for domains.

    The admin/reseller (the admin setup max how many days enable for backup, but the reseller can decide how many days what he want to use. Exmaple the admin enable 7days, the reseller setup and use only 4days backup. This is good, becuse the admin can limit the backups, the reseller is choose how many space wan to use too.) choose how many days what they wan to backup, te customer can choose what date want to restore... :)

    I think this is neceassary beacuse I have lot of costumers. If attack ther site example spam messages or anything else and they alert me more than one day the backup contain the spammed site... This was just an example, but whatever may.. :)

    Edited once, last by gabesz86 ().

  • i pers. think this should not be part of the i-mscp cp at the moment.
    all depends on wich backup-policy the server-admin has overall. for my pers. policy backups are made and send to a backup-server(at least one)

    as every server-admins policy can be totally diff. so it is close to impossible to be handled by i-imscp(at this point(today))

    but this could may be a future wish if i-mscp ones become a "real" multi-server cp

  • as every server-admins policy can be totally diff. so it is close to impossible to be handled by i-imscp(at this point(today))

    I'm not quite agree with you (it's not so hard way to make it useful), but it must be a whole conception of backups:
    - Backup GUI interface
    - Backup/Restore by hands
    - FTP backup
    - Multiple backup for whole panel to transport it to another server
    - Ability to download/upload backup from/to the server.

    It's a whole module. We have no resources for that as now.

    Edited once, last by DragonZX ().

  • Oh my God! What are you talking about????????? i-MSCP can backup whole domain or only sql. I want to just keep the backup file more than one day,


    After the 8th days rewrite the first backup like: <-this is what first rewrite

    The user (if necessarry) can choose from the drop down list, what date want to restore. Example te user choose the:

    This isn't policy or module question. i-MSCP can be make multiple backups from ther own files, just check the /var/www/imscp/backups folder I wnat to make multiple backup from the domains too.

    Do you understand??????? :D

  • Yes, of cause but as for now you may use

    As for your request, we will need to review the backup managemend. It's may be comfortable for you, but not for other admins, so we need to inegrate whole backup-management toolbox to tune up. (ie. at least only for your request - a number of backups, customers for backups, disk space alert, reseller rights for multiple backups etc).

    Edited once, last by DragonZX ().