Posts by dym

    Okay, i wasnt the one accepting but it was like this:

    Domains and Aliases were added in the first place - things worked fine.
    Files were uploaded, etc. etc.
    Then the main domain was removed via i-mscp which failed. shell-wise deletion was done. (Still things were fine at this stage)
    Then the domain was re-added via a reseller, the reseller switched into the domain and added aliases.
    After adding aliases he switched back into the reseller to accept the alias orders.
    He was able to accept a few, but after the third or so the error occoured.

    Debugger shows one pending query..

    (Which is odd, since imscp-rqst-mgr says:

    OS: Ubuntu 14.04.1 Trusty Tahr
    i-mscp: 1.1.17 Eagle


    An error has been encountered

    An exception with the following message has been thrown in file /var/www/imscp/gui/library/shared-functions.php (Line: 2529):


    SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: no parameters were bound

    Query was:


    SELECT * FROM domain WHERE domain_id = ?

    I added this domain, then added alias domains and everything worked fine.
    When trying to delete it, i ran into problems and had to manually chattr -i after which i cold manually delete the domain entry.
    I also manually tried removing the entries from the i-mscp DB and re-building the configuration without success.
    Any suggestions are very welcome!

    Hello everyone,

    sorry to say but some of the translations are a nightmare! (German and English!)
    Is there no possibility of a review?

    Someone please invite me to the german translation team so
    i can start fixing some things. (User: dym)


    When logged in as admin in with a Reseller and a User added,
    the "Change to User" Link both lead to the same target (The Client).

    So when trying to change into the Resellers account as an admin,
    the end result is beeing the client.
