Error when accepting new added alias domains as reseller

  • OS: Ubuntu 14.04.1 Trusty Tahr
    i-mscp: 1.1.17 Eagle


    An error has been encountered

    An exception with the following message has been thrown in file /var/www/imscp/gui/library/shared-functions.php (Line: 2529):


    SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: no parameters were bound

    Query was:


    SELECT * FROM domain WHERE domain_id = ?

    I added this domain, then added alias domains and everything worked fine.
    When trying to delete it, i ran into problems and had to manually chattr -i after which i cold manually delete the domain entry.
    I also manually tried removing the entries from the i-mscp DB and re-building the configuration without success.
    Any suggestions are very welcome!

  • Debugger shows one pending query..

    (Which is odd, since imscp-rqst-mgr says:

  • HELP! Do you mean 1.1.7 or 1.1.17? Please also update your title/thread with the other missing informations and try to format your content (This time I'll do it for you [title & content]).

    i-MSCP bugs - Reporting rules

    PS: You accepted the alias domains as reseller?

    Nuxwin likes this.
  • Thanks. You tried to delete the domain or alias domain? If you removed all orphaned files & entries you could try to rerun the daemon, setup script or installer. If all was removed correctly you shouldn't get an error again..

    PS: did you get the error after accepting the alias domain or removing a domain with an alias domain?

    Nuxwin likes this.
  • Okay, i wasnt the one accepting but it was like this:

    Domains and Aliases were added in the first place - things worked fine.
    Files were uploaded, etc. etc.
    Then the main domain was removed via i-mscp which failed. shell-wise deletion was done. (Still things were fine at this stage)
    Then the domain was re-added via a reseller, the reseller switched into the domain and added aliases.
    After adding aliases he switched back into the reseller to accept the alias orders.
    He was able to accept a few, but after the third or so the error occoured.

  • And all was done with the 1.1.17? I'm sure the last steps failed because orphaned entries in the db or old config files...

    Nuxwin likes this.
  • @dym, you must check your database for orphaned entries. If you want, I can check for you.

    I'll code a little script which will do this job automatically because I can see that many users have this problem.


    Athar likes this.