Posts by UncleJ

    Hallo @bcde

    du kannst zurückstellen indem du in der Datei folgenden Eintrag änderst: BIND_DB_FORMAT = raw=0


    Sorry für die Doppelposts - hatte eine Fehlermeldung erhalten und keinen EIntrag gesehen.


    the english version of the message is "Domain panel1.<tld> is unavailable." (replaced the actual domain by <tld>)
    I did the following steps:

    • log in as reseller
    • switch to customer view
    • add customer
    • insert panel-domain in field "Domain name"
    • URL forwarding to "yes"
    • insert panel-domain with port 8443 and protocol https in "Forward to URL"
    • select "PROXY" and "PRESERVE" in "Forward type"
    • click "Next Step"
    • error occurs

    Regards Jörg


    I tried to replace the PanelRedirect-Plugin as described here but when I try to create a new customer with the panel domain it says that the domain is not available (see screenshot). When using a subdomain of an existing customer it works fine.
    Can anybody confirm?

    Regards Jörg


    • error.JPG

      (18.27 kB, downloaded 18 times, last: )


    yes I guess you have to create a script which renames or repacks everything before you transfer it to your backup location. I use the script (collects all backups to one folder named by date, creates subfolder by customer and then transfers folder) below to transfer all backups via rsync - you can try to adapt it to use with mput:

    If mput cannot transfer folders you could tar the backup_folder before transfering.

    Regards Jörg

    Hello Viktor,

    I noticed the same with my backup script. I rewrote it to take the name of the domain from the directory and attach it to the final filename so that each file is named individually again.

    Regards Jörg


    I have upgraded from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4 last friday. Since then no system backups are created even in config BACKUP_IMSCP = yes is set.
    The log imscp-backup-imscp-mngr.log says

    1. Global symbol "$dbName" requires explicit package name (did you forget to declare "my $dbName"?) at /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-imscp line 135.
    2. Execution of /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-imscp aborted due to compilation errors.

    The customer backups work as expected.
    Can anybody confirm this?

    Regards Jörg