Posts by sport80

    This should be a problem from an older version.
    With the current versions this double entries will not appear

    I have installed this server on 16 june, so the spamassassin plugin used before was the 0.0.8 version...

    So, no problem for me, but the upgrade process does not work in this case :)

    Ok, i've tried and theses are the results:

    - In the 'markasjunk2', 'sauserprefs' are not present in plugin array
    - Uninstalling and Reinstalling the plugin, some values in user_prefs are double and the plugin installation fails. When removed from table, it works


    Check your config.php of the plugin.

    On my installation it works

    It's the same as mine.. ?(

    So.. It seems that it works.
    Log in to phpmyadmin and select the database of spamassasin. There you run this 2 queries

    1. ALTER TABLE `userpref` DROP INDEX `user_pref`;
    2. ALTER TABLE `userpref` ADD UNIQUE `user_pref` ( `username`, `preference`, `value`);

    After this it is possible to add more than an entry

    It works also for me :)


    Yes, i confirm this error, also for me the same results


    Ok, i've tried as you have described

    same results.. same i-MSCP version... same problems..

    the system is apt-get updated and upgraded

    before i have used a i-mscp script to update to the last version that use

    git clone -b stable git:// /usr/local/src/stable/imscp