Ich kaufe SSL Zertifikate eigentlich immer für "" und trage das in die dazugehörige .htaccess ein:

    Ich fände es ebenfalls super, wenn man beim hinzufügen eines SSL Zertifikates für eine Domain auswählen könnte, ob diese dann nur noch per HTTPS erreichbar sein sollte oder halt nicht. :)


    here the /var/log/imscp/Plugin_module_InstantSSH.log file:

    I hope this helps! :)

    After I runned "perl /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-rqst-mngr" the field "ssh_permission_status" has been cleared. In the output of the request manager is no error or something like that.


    First: Nuxwin, thanks for your great plugin!!!! I will donate soon, when PayPal finally unlocked my account. Long story. Some problems with an customer at eBay...

    Some specifications:

    Debian 7.6 (Wheezy)
    today updated to the newest version from the 1.1.x branch
    Apache FPM

    The log file /var/log/imscp/Plugin_module_InstantSSH.log is empty.

    So, when I create an SSH Permission, the status is "Unknown error". I tried it with 2 different customers. In the SQL table "instant_ssh_permissions" under "ssh_permission_status" the fields are clear. I've added some screenshots.

    What's wrong? My fault?

    Thanks in advance!

    When I ask the name server that you entered for zone transfer, the name server doesn't know anything about your domain.

    When someone wants to open the domain the followed name servers will be asked: -> ->

    Why you aren't using these name servers for zone transfer? For information: I don't know how it works exactly at

    The other thing:

    I'm using zone transfer, too. My bind .db file for a domain looks like this:

    Do you see the difference between your and my zone file at the top with the "@ IN NS" records? I have added the other 3 IP's from the slave name servers at the installation of i-MSCP and I think you haven't done that.

    And sorry for my bad english. I'm from Germany. :)