I think it must be /etc/imscp/postfix/custom_bounce_tpl.cf
Is it any way to avoid to be deleted by an imscp update?
Thank you very much
I think it must be /etc/imscp/postfix/custom_bounce_tpl.cf
Is it any way to avoid to be deleted by an imscp update?
Thank you very much
Did you check?
tail -n 50 /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
I found a bug related to mailman.
Recently I changed the IP address of the iMSCP server running /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-reconfigure
and selecting only the new IP address (old one was deleted on /etc/network/interfaces previously)
X.X.X.X new IP
Y.Y.Y.Y previous IP
It changed all the apache sites .conf files appending the new IP beside the old IP.
<VirtualHost X.X.X.X:80 Y.Y.Y.Y:80>
But, after doing that, if I create a new list, the list.example.com.conf file is created with the old IP:
<VirtualHost Y.Y.Y.Y:80>
I'm thinking to translate the bounces messages received when there is an error when you send an email.
As far I read... it looks like since postfix-2.3 we are available to translate this using /etc/postfix/bounce.cf.default template...
But actually, I can't find this file on the i-MSCP distro.
Do you know how can I set this?
I just bought a Comodo PositiveSSL certificate. I was trying to see how I must install for Postfix and Dovecot.
I want to take the CSR file generated by IMSCP but I can't find it. After all, I have another question, is this CSR file generated with common name as my main domain?
I mean, if my domain is: example.org and my imscp domain is panel.example.org and admin.panel.example.org...
What domain I must validate? What domain is the CSR common name written?
I feel really lost doing this, It's my first time using a certificate for email purposes.
Thanks for all guys
If you take a look on you key which is inside the file "cat /etc/opendkim/keys/*****.org/mail.txt" you will see this does not match with your dig!
You insert the key like this
This is wrong
You did escape the double quote in a wrong way. That is all. I use the OpenDKIm on other systems and the test with this site: http://www.brandonchecketts.com/emailtest.php will work every time
Yeah, I just check it, the problem is the " in TXT DNS entry.
I think a plugin installation remove the previous smtpd_milters in main.cf configuration.
Now the problem is the key don't match
* Distribution in use Debian GNU/Linux 7.7 (wheezy)
* i-MSCP version in use i-MSCP 1.1.20 Eagle
* Server implementation in use postfix (and dovecot but irrelevant i think)
* Logs OpenDKIM don't log
* Plugin 0.0.6
I'm checking why I'm in some greylist and I saw my OpenDKIM isn't working fine.
I got the keys with the Plugin and the test result is fine:
Even like this, when I send emails I don't send the DKIM key on the header
I used http://www.brandonchecketts.com/emailtest.php to check and I get this information:
What's wrong?
I'm checking main.cf of Postfix
And I not listening DKIM I think
I add to smtpd_milters in main.cf
If I test now, i get
but if I check on the panel, or in /etc/opendkim/keys/****.org/mail.txt
And dig
Then, now is sending the key, but is sending an invalid key and the test fail
This reseller didn't have permission on PHP Editor
I created a site without PHP editor enabled some months ago.
Now, I wanna activate to this site, but I can't do it with the panel.
Someone knows how to do?
Can I do?