Initial post updated.
New action: addmail
Code sample:
- $dataToEncrypt = array(
- 'action' => 'addmail',
- 'reseller_username' => $ResellerUsername,
- 'reseller_password' => 'mypass123',
- 'bridge_key' => $bridgeKey,
- 'newmailpass' => 'abc123',
- 'account' => 'info',
- 'domain' => '',
- 'quota' => '150',
- 'account_type' => 'normal_mail',
- 'mail_forward' => ''
- );
available settings:
account type can be
- normal_mail
- normal_forward
- normal_mail,normal_forward
quota value is in MB
if normal_forward is set, at least one forward address has to be set in mail_forward.
more then one mailaddress in mail_forward has to be seperated by commas.
i.e. ','
Currently the function will not check the max. available quota and max. amount of mail addresses.
Comming up next: (in order of development)
- add the max. quota and max. mailaddresses checking.
- add catchall and autoresponder
- edit and delete of mailaccounts (edit means: change account type, quota and password like in the panel)