Posts by tracer

    Apparently, after the upgrade the plugin PanelRedirect was no longer installed for some reason, after the (re)install of the plugin, the panel now works on :443

    Well, I asked twice for apache2ctl -S. (not -2, my fault …)

    With PanelRedict it shows:

    1. x.x.x.x:443 is a NameVirtualHost
    2. default server (/etc/apache2/imscp/before/PanelRedirect_ssl.conf:1)
    3. port 443 namevhost (/etc/apache2/imscp/before/PanelRedirect_ssl.conf:1)
    4. port 443 namevhost (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/x.net_ssl.conf:1)
    5. alias
    6. alias

    BTW, before an upgrade you should disable all plugins and enable them afterwards.

    Hmm, waiting for someone who is experienced in those crypto things? :)

    Edit: By the way, one of my setups, works like a charme, but same warning:

    First of all, I have no clue :-)

    But I can help you, how I would act in such a situation.

    and now the panel (or anything else) doesn't work on apache 443

    netstat -luntep|grep 443

    Is there anything running? I guess so, because there are reaction on 443, but crosschecking what is running can't hurt.

    (BTW, if you not already dropped sudo from the box, you should be running that command as root).

    apache2ctl -2, look fopr enabled hostet at 443.

    SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number

    OK, give this a try:

    Which TLS Version?

    Maybe your old config housed the setup, so they use outdated protocols/cyphers.

    Dir ist klar, dass "ls" ein Befehl in der Shell ist? Was willst Du mit den Tastenkombinationen?

    macOS ist ein Unix, und oben wurden Dir Shell-Befehle gesagt.

    Und Du hast bestätigt:

    ls -all das gleiche !

    Hast Du wohl nicht probiert. Was Du postet ist ein Shortcut für den Finder. Wie hast Du dann "ls -all" getestet?

    -> Dateien und Ordner sind aus irgendeinem Grund vom Server gelöscht worden.

    Regel #1: Computer tun nie was sie sollen, sondern nur das, was man ihnen sagt.

    Übrigens: Das "ls -all" funktioniert, ist aber unsinnig.

    Das ist die Option "-a" für all und "-l" (2x) für long. Also identisch zu "ls -la".

    Gemeint war sicher "--all". Long Options haben "--" vor sich.

    Und was Dein FTP Client anzeigt stellst Du in seinen Optionen ein, nur sind solche GUI-Krücken für effektives Arbeiten meistens ungeeignet.

    Schau Dir mal "lftp" an.

    Anscheinend hat Du aber teilweise mit der Shell gearbeitet (Dein "cd …" Beispiel).

    Wenn Du dort dann mit "mv" oder "cp" gearbeitet hast, gilt das gleiche wie für "ls".

    Du brauchst "-a" um die hidden files auch zu treffen. Hast Du z.B. mit "cp" die sichtbaren Dateien kopiert, und dann mit dem finder den Ordner gelöscht, sind die hidden files weg.

    Davor schützt die Shell Dich. "rm" löscht keine Folder (ausser mittels -r), dafür nimmt man "rmdir" und verliert dann auch keine hidden files/folder.

    "Unix is user-friendly — it's just choosy about who its friends are"

    1. root@imscp:~# ls -las /etc/spamassassin/
    2. 4 -rw-r----- 1 root debian-spamd 1335 Feb 4 11:40 /etc/spamassassin/

    Also die Gruppe muss auch lesen können.

    Good morning,

    The github status link has changed. This has nothing to do with us. Regarding i-MSCP, it is under heavy development and it would be useless to create a new theme from current version as we are currently rewritting the frontend. Development take time. The development of the new frontend is done in private repository to avoid useless comment till a version is usable. If you look at my facebook, you'll see that , I'm often posting related screenshots.

    Thanks for your reply.

    I'm a follower on FB since this morning.

    So, I'm not into the Frontend, just found this thread while looking for theming.

    My personal needs (maybe: TODO) are:

    - hook or plugin to mail.<domain> into ssl conf

    from this thread: Setup SSL (Let's Encrypt) on mail client with customer subdomain

    "If you use the i-MSCP LetsEncrypt plugin, you can do that at the Let'sEncrypt administrator level (You need to enable Let's Encrypt for the services (FTP, SMTP, IMAP/POP) and add all mail.<domain.tld> subdomains as subject alternative names of the SSL certificate). "

    So, I want this to happen automagically for each new domain.

    Maybe as an option for people with more than 100 domains. I could image that editing the ssl plugin might be a reasonable way, but I didn't start looking into it now.

    - easy options for IPv6 addresses, so each domains can get it's own IP. No clue yet how realistic that would be :)

    - check out what hinders i-MSCP to run on ASCII.

    Whereas last point might come first, I was busy setting up new VMs last week and am really pi**ed by systemd.

    You read in my thoughts :D

    That would be sorry for the wasted time.

    Too bad that such things don't happen on public repositories, so one can participate from the work done before (yes, I'm aware of the NIH problem).

    I'm no designer, neither in urgent need für a new theme, but, as much as I hate it, many customers are using their phones even for admin stuff than a real desktop or at least a laptop.

    I'm planing on a few thing I need to improve myself, am willing to fork them into a public repository, however: Where to start?

    On the front page are three branches. 1.5.x, 1.6.x, 2.0.x.

    Which to choose as a starting point? Has everything to be dumped when 1.6 is available?

    According to this colorcode: About i-MSCP Git branches status the main release is "Broken/Unavailable", every branch is "Under Development".

    When you follow the link to the GitHub status, there is a page which gives no clearance, only states that is deprecated.

    I fear that my words sound much ruder than they are meant, sorry, English is not my native language, I'm absolutely positive about i-MSCP.

    I don't do hosting for a living, in fact I spend more money on it than I receive, I just like the option to be independent of big companies.