What is with the solution in this Thread? It is only a few Days old.
And I know why Nuxwin ist tired to write Manuals if no one reads it...
What is with the solution in this Thread? It is only a few Days old.
And I know why Nuxwin ist tired to write Manuals if no one reads it...
die Zugangsdaten der DB finden sich auch ganz leicht in den Conf Dateien der Webseiten.
Gruß ShortSnow
update 1.3.7 to 1.3.8 works without errors. Thanks a lot.
Hello Nuxwin,
UPDATE: After another ./imscp_autoinstall run it works perfekt!
Thanks a lot.
Regards ShortSnow
Hello Nuxwin,
thx for support. The setup script wil stop with an error:
It is a fresh Installation, Ubuntu 14.04.
Thanks a lot.
Regards ShortSnow
a new install IMSCP 1.2.17.
I need to activate /usr/bin/ in open_basedir globaly, not per Domain. Where can i find is the Template?
I can't find the settings on admin/settings.php
THX for your Help
Regards ShortSnow
same problem, Master Git Version 3d old.
Script Error in /var/mail/virtual/<Domain> -> No such file or directory
This is the Domain where i have set a Mail Account and delete ist later.
Best regards
Tested with Git Version.
Works perfekt now with my perl scripts.
Thanks a lot and resepct for the fast an good support.
Best regards
I'll surely add suexec for the cgi scripts because currently (when using PHP-FPM server implementation), the cgi script are run using the Web server user, which is in the customer group (here vu2003).
Thanks, yes this is my problem. I have a Perl Scipt (Filemanager). All Scripts are in /cgi-bin with user (i e. vu2003), but if try to make a new file in htdocs the file are from www-data and not vu2003.
Best wishes
Edit: TIcket created. See http://trac.i-mscp.net/ticket/926
Oh, ok. Thank you. Very nice.
best wishes
zur Zeit teste ich die Version 1.1.0-rc4.1 auf Ubuntu 12.04.3 (64bit) um in Zukunft einmal von Plesk wegzukommen.
Installiert habe ich mit php-fpm.
Jetzt mein Problem. Scripte unter cgi-bin (zum automatischen anlegen von Ordner und Dateien) werden mit dem User des Webservers (www-data) angelegt.
Suexec wurde vom Installer nicht mitinstalliert. Hab ich was übersehen oder ist das bei der fpm Version so? Gibt es da evtl. eine Lösungsmöglichkeit?
Vielen Dank