Perl wird als www-data ausgeführt

  • Hallo,

    zur Zeit teste ich die Version 1.1.0-rc4.1 auf Ubuntu 12.04.3 (64bit) um in Zukunft einmal von Plesk wegzukommen.

    Installiert habe ich mit php-fpm.

    Jetzt mein Problem. Scripte unter cgi-bin (zum automatischen anlegen von Ordner und Dateien) werden mit dem User des Webservers (www-data) angelegt.

    Suexec wurde vom Installer nicht mitinstalliert. Hab ich was übersehen oder ist das bei der fpm Version so? Gibt es da evtl. eine Lösungsmöglichkeit?

    Vielen Dank


  • Hello ;

    Suexec is not needed with PHP-FPM.

    BTW: The cgi-bin directory is created with customer unix user:

    1. root@wheezy:~# ls /var/www/virtual/ -la |grep cgi-bindrwxr-x--- 2 vu2003 vu2003 4096 sept. 20 03:30 cgi-bin


    I've tested and it's work well. I've created the following test script in the cgi-bin directory:


    1. #!/usr/bin/pythonprint "Content-type: text/html"printprint "<html>"print "<center>Hello!</center>"print "</html>"

    With the following permissions:

    1. root@wheezy:/var/www/virtual/ ls -latotal 12drwxr-x--- 2 vu2003 vu2003 4096 oct. 4 09:27 .drwxr-x--- 12 vu2003 vu2003 4096 sept. 29 15:46 ..-r-xr-x--- 1 vu2003 vu2003 120 oct. 4 09:30 index.cgi

    Then, when I reach /cgi-bin/index.cgi, I get:

    1. Hello!

    I'll surely add suexec for the cgi scripts because currently (when using PHP-FPM server implementation), the cgi scripts are run using the Web server user (www-data), which is in the customer group (here vu2003).


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Edit: TIcket created. See


  • I'll surely add suexec for the cgi scripts because currently (when using PHP-FPM server implementation), the cgi script are run using the Web server user, which is in the customer group (here vu2003).

    Thanks, yes this is my problem. I have a Perl Scipt (Filemanager). All Scripts are in /cgi-bin with user (i e. vu2003), but if try to make a new file in htdocs the file are from www-data and not vu2003.

    Best wishes


    Edit: TIcket created. See

    Oh, ok. Thank you. Very nice.

    best wishes


    Edited once, last by ShortSnow ().

  • Thanks, yes this is my problem. I have a Perl Scipt (Filemanager). All Scripts are in /cgi-bin with user (i e. vu2003), but if try to make a new file in htdocs the file are from www-data and not vu2003.

    Best wishes


    Re ;

    Needed changes will be in Git Master in few minutes and part of next release 1.1.0-rc5, which will be the last RC before next stable.

    Thank you for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Tested with Git Version.

    Works perfekt now with my perl scripts.

    Thanks a lot and resepct for the fast an good support.

    Best regards
