Posts by web4you

    Yes of course i do so.

    I dont know what here is the problem to understand.

    As a normal user of a Website it should be possible to get a autorespond (when autorespond is set in roundcube) message like as i get while using another mail client.

    The sender is becouse this is the web-form that use this adress as sender address. If a user filling up the From on the website ( he must insert his own email. And this email (in my case should get a autorespond email like he get when he is unsing thunderbird or another email client.

    Sorry my english

    Oke here it is:


    Step one

    Activate Vacation autorespond in Roundcube for any address you like.

    Step two

    1. Send Email with Thunderbird to this email see above.
    2. Send Email by Web Form to same Address

    1. You get a autorespod answer with information about vacation
    2. You dont get a autorepond answer when sendig form-email by website

    See all messages above

    Ok. Autorespond is set - see printscreen on last message.

    Form is filled like attachment here.

    Sender "" should get autorespond mail like 2. image. (This mail is ok when sendign a mail from thunderbird but NOT from WEB Form).


    Not exaclty. "You mean that when autoresponder feature is enabled for a mail account through the control panel customer interface"

    I mean: The User activates it in the roundcube webmail interface. See attachement.

    Email is

    Autorespond while sending email from Thunderbird to this address is working correct.

    Mal ne Grundlagenfrage. Einer meiner Kunden bemerkte, dass bei eingeschalteter Abwesenheitsmeldung keine Meldung gesendet wird, wenn man das Webformular (Wordpress) benutzt. Ich habe mir darüber noch nie Gedanken gemacht aber möglicherweise wird das gar nicht unterstützt? Oder doch?

    Should it work to change:

    iMSCP::Service->getInstance( )->isRunning( 'mysql' ) or exit;


    iMSCP::Service->getInstance( )->isRunning( 'mariadb' ) or exit;


    /bin/systemctl --system is-active mariadb.service
