Posts by nextone

    output of: dig axfr @

    Here are the DNS record settings (screenshot by; domain name is replaced):

    Thanks for your support!

    Thanks for your reply, Nuxwin. In the following the log. I hope this helps to investigate the problem:

    Dear developers of I-MSCP,

    at first of all, thanks for your great work with I-MSCP. It is an amazing solution and thanks Nuxwin for your engagement.

    I updated my I-MSCP from 1.2.17 to 1.3.0 yesterday. Everything works fine, except of the external mail server rewrite. I have an email e.g. [email protected] with is a rediction e.g. [email protected]. The website with is hosted at the same server with I-MSCP. I have activated the external mail server function of (later in addition added the MX DNS records in I-MSCP without change of behaviors). If someone send an email to [email protected], the server should redirect it to external hosted [email protected], but I get a loop back.

    I looked for the issue in your source code, but have not found the bug. Can anyone help me, please?



    today I tried to install i-mscp 1.1.0-rc4.2 to my server. I have downloaded the source and have started the installer. But now I get only this output:

    After this output nothing happens. Have anyone a idea?

    Best regards,


    Hallo Community,

    ich wollte einmal fragen, ob jemand Erfahrung mit I-MSCP und Apache 2.4 hat. Ich frage, da ich momentan Apache 2.2.x am laufen habe, jedoch Funktionalität benötige, die es erst seit Apache 2.3.x gibt.

    Freue mich auf eure Rückmeldungen!
