Error on installing or refreshing the plugins

  • Hej...

    I've got the following error every time I refresh the plugin list or install a new plugin since the Installation of the i-mscp 1.2.9:


    Plugin Manager: Unable to load templates plugin - Class iMSCP_Plugin_templates not found.

    I guess the installation is ok nevertheless but the error is shown every time.
    Anybody an idea about that?

    Thanks a lot,

    --- das glas ist halb voll ---

  • Please give us the result of the following command:

    1. # ls -la /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins


  • the directory contains the following:

    and in /templates there is /default/inc/ and /default/index.html

    --- das glas ist halb voll ---

  • It is possible that you have moved some directories to a wrong folder?

    I think the folder templates is wrong there, because it is not a plugin.
    Please backup this folder and then remove it. After that refresh the plugin list.

  • ah! you're right: I've made a directory structure to copy it to the Server after updates for getting my own logos, tempates etc.
    And there was a wrong Folder in it.

    Sorry for the trouble!

    --- das glas ist halb voll ---