Upgrade 1.2.9 - Apache2 restart error (ssl certificate)

  • My server is updated successfully, all plugins have been over, but when I put again my certificate, I get an error of apache do not understand ....

    The Apache error log says nothing
    I think we lack a log file

    [ERROR] apache_php_fpm Servers :: :: :: start httpd: Could not start the service apache2: An unexpected error occurred at line 177 /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/../PerlLib/iMSCP/Service.pm.

    any help

    Thank You

    My problem is that it has been certified ngix wrong, not that this reading old certificate and not the newly installed running on apache

    If I run installer and certified off no problem, but if I charge the certificate error and does not start

    2015/07/12 20:54:58 [emerg] 2005#0: SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file("/etc/imscp/panel.elservidor.com.pem") failed (SSL: error:0B080074:x509 certificate

    Edited once, last by kurgans ().

  • the certificate itself is ok?

    PS: Thread moved, it should not be i-MSCP related.

  • Sorry

    that error has taken me two hours looking configs and that still had old file on the server.

    Sorry folks.