OpenVZ Problem [ External command died with signal 2 ]

  • Guten Abend,
    Ich habe vor kurzem 3 vServer auf OpenVZ Basis in 3 verschiedenen Rechenzentren gemietet für jeweils 1 Jahr.
    Ich möchte darauf nun IMSCP installieren, allerdings scheitert die Installation immer mit dem folgenden Fehler:

    Momentan weiß ich nicht mehr weiter. Könnt ihr mir helfen?

    Vielen Dank,

  • @x0blade

    You should really consider to read the INSTALL file.


    Good try but here, the right answer is to install whiptail. But anyway such error means that the user has not followed correct installation procedure... ;) i-MSCP is one of the more easy Control panel to install but some users are too lazy...


  • Hello Nuxwin,
    Thanks for your fast answer,
    I'm just a bit too lazy and thought I can install it without any other packages, because on a VirtualBox Test VM, I did not need it. But now it works, and thanks for your help.

    Have a nice day,