Error upgrading from 1.2.0 to 1.2.8

  • I just tried to upgrade but I get an error.

    This is the error I get:

    I don't know what to do xD

  • @Kazuto

    Please, check that your storage (hard disk) has enough space. Check also that /tmp is not full.


  • Yes, it worked. Thanks ^~^

    Apparently my provider lied about my storage or just forgot to put a comma in the VCP xD
    It says I would have 195 GB of space but it seems to be 19,5 GB xD


    Now I get an error because of SpamAssassin xD

    1. [ERROR] main::setupRebuildCustomerFiles:[WARN] iMSCP::Config::FETCH: Accessing non existing config value CMD_CHMOD from the /etc/imscp/imscp.conf file (see file /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/SpamAssassin/backend/ at line 425)iMSCP::Debug::__ANON__: Use of uninitialized value $imscpConfig{"CMD_CHMOD"} in concatenation (.) or string at /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/SpamAssassin/backend/ line 425. [FATAL] iMSCP::Debug::__ANON__: Failed to execute external command: at /var/www/imscp/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ line 126.

    How can I disable SpamAssassin? I can't access the ACP currently.

    I removed the plugin using this post RE: Can't disable plugin

    But now I get this error xD

    1. [ERROR] iMSCP::Stepper::step: Could not reload the apache2 service: An unexpected error occurred at /usr/local/src/imscp-1.2.8/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ line 267.
    2. autoinstaller::Functions::install: An error occurred while performing installation steps

    Edited 2 times, last by Kazuto ().

  • @'kazuto

    Why you do not read the errata file as stated here? It is clearly stated that you must delete the plugins before update... I start to be tired to repeat the same thing again and again, and even worse when we lost time for nothing...

    Well now, you must connect to the mysql server using command line. Search on our forum because this subject has been treated several time already.


  • First, I was unable to access the ACP and could not disable any plugins there. This is why I wanted to update to see if this fixes my problem.
    I already deleted the plugin and disabled it in mysql as stated in my second edit :D

  • I could still need some help with my apache2 problem.

    1. [ERROR] iMSCP::Stepper::step: Could not reload the apache2 service: An unexpected error occurred at /usr/local/src/imscp-1.2.8/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ line 267.
    2. autoinstaller::Functions::install: An error occurred while performing installation steps
  • @Kazuto

    Hello ;

    It's incredible that you're not able to figure out alone for such error.

    The first questions that you should pose yourself:

    • Why my Apache cannot be reloaded?
    • How I can see what prevent my Apache to be reloaded?
    • Does a syntax error in a configuration file can prevent my Apache to be reloaded? Then, if yes, how can I check that? hmm.. Maybe by looking at logs (e.g: /var/log/apache2/error.log), or maybe simply by running the following command:
    1. # apache2ctl -t

    then, maybe I'll be able to give the i-MSCP team more relevant info since I really need help ;)


  • Apparently due to trying to upgrade all my folders at www/virtual got deleted. Glad that I made a BackUp before.

    I will revert the backup and try it again. Hope it will work then.

  • Okay, after reverting the backup, freeing up space and disabling SpamAssassin before trying to upgrade everthing worked out fine.

    I'm now on 1.2.8 :)

    @Ninos Yeah, all my files were gone. Don't know how but I made a backup :D