Rainloop issue since update to 1.2.7

  • Hello,

    Not sure if it's the update to 1.2.7 or the one to 1.2.6 as I made them in a short time. It was 1.2.2 before.

    So now it's 1.2.7 on Ubuntu 14.04

    SQL_SERVER = mysql_5.5
    PO_SERVER = dovecot
    NAMED_SERVER = bind
    HTTPD_SERVER = apache_itk
    FTPD_SERVER = proftpd
    MTA_SERVER = postfix

    Since this the session to rainloop always close by itself and it doesn't store my preferences (languages, theme, identities....)

    If you have ideas where to look.

    The installed plugins are
    Mailgraph (Disabled as no version available for the new system)

  • Please tell us the current using version. You can find it out with following command:
    cat /etc/imscp/imscp.conf | grep Version

  • You mean since upgrade all user settings get lost or every time?

  • It's normal to loose the session due upgrade. For the other problem please open a ticket.

  • How do you feel as "normal" ?
    I'm not talking to "loosing session during upgrade" but "loosing session all the time SINCE the upgrade" When I go back to my tab with the webmail I left open, I'm on the login screen, not on the mail screen anymore....
    This makes the service not usable anymore....

  • @VirtualCed

    We do not have updated rainloop package since 2015-05-11 06:34 UTC...


  • I didn't update the plugins since I have updated I-mscp to 1.2.2 and it was in February. As the plugins system changed I had to update the plugin in the same time as the core. I don't know if it's the update of rain loop or update of imscp. But I can create a mail account t if you want to see the results.

  • @VirtualCed

    I'll do the needed tests on my own server ;)
