When letsencrypt is stable and released, we will check the functionality and decide whether it makes sense or not to create a plugin.
But it will take some time and for sure not for the i-MSCP 1.2.x version.
Free SSL certificates through Let's Encrypt
- ctm5000
- Closed
Yesterday I got my second invite for three additional domains and all went fine.
And then I used the following command to created my certificates:letsencrypt-auto certonly --agree-dev-preview --agree-tos --renew-by-default -a webroot --webroot-path /var/www/virtual/domain.com/htdocs/ -d domain.com -d www.domain.com
@mrpink, thanks so much for the tip with cli.ini and the following line of code in order to add another certificate. Worked like a charme
On December 3 they'll open the platform
http://www.heise.de/security/m…te-fuer-alle-2920357.html -
Here the official statement: https://letsencrypt.org/2015/11/12/public-beta-timing.html
@mrpink do you know how to create a certificate for subdomains? I am wondering if I could use
or do I need to apply for subdomains separately?
Let's Encrypt ist still in beta status and you could not get an official certificate for any other subdomain then www.
On 3 December @ 6 PM GMT they want to go officially online for public beta usage. So you have to wait a little bit.
and what does this list says?: https://crt.sh/?Identity=%25&iCAID=7395&p=1&n=100
It was actually pretty easy to get a domain during the closed beta. You only had to fill in a google doc. and a few days later you got access / information how to setup the letsencrypt.
Also they got a automated plugin for debian. Didn't test it yet.
Here a more accurate explanation. During the closed beta you were able to register a domain on a google doc.
If you have registered example.com you were able to get a certificate for example.com and www.example.com
If you have registered sub.example.com you were able to get a certificate for sub.example.com and www.sub.example.com
=> No additional subdomains for example.com or sub.example.com, but you were able to register another subdomain e.g test.example.com on the google doc site and then the same -> certificate for test.example.com and www.test.example.com
So please wait until tomorrow evening and you are able to get a certificate for whatever domain and subdomain you want.
Assuming that the servers are not overloaded for the first hours after public beta. -