Hello everybody,
i'm currently in Fight with some listener-Files. And hope you can help me.
Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
Codename andromeda
Version 1.2.0
10_apache_dualstack.pl -> Works like a charm.
10_postfix_tuning.pl -> works not as intended. (see blow)
20_bind9_dualstack.pl -> works only partially.
To activate this i ran "/var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-setup -r mta"
The result: The hookfile changes the Config-File for a short period of time. Not all parameters are set (especially the last 2 aren't set) - after a short time (when setup proceeds) the file gets overwritten. So no changes are made.
Bind9 Dualstack:
Some Curiosity happens:
This listener file creates the correct records for the "standard"-domain. Each subdomain oder custom-dns-entry is missing.
Since i'm not able to add manually the AAAA-Records to the base-domain and / or www this is really not so good.
Hope somebody can help me.