Posts by rurcoasteagle

    I ran into the same problem today.
    Seems there is a trigger / listener missing which creates the transport and mailboxes entries when rebuilding the postfix configuration.

    I've added a new list temporarily - copied and corrected the entries - then removed the new list.
    The files i've edited were /etc/imscp/postfix/working/transports and /etc/imscp/postfix/working/mailboxes - so that my changes are written and hashed to the right places.

    Think that that could be easily fixed ;)

    Hello everybody,

    i'm currently in Fight with some listener-Files. And hope you can help me.

    Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
    Codename andromeda
    Version 1.2.0

    Listener-Files: -> Works like a charm. -> works not as intended. (see blow) -> works only partially.


    1. my %mainCfParameters = (
    2. 'inet_protocols' => 'ipv4,ipv6',
    3. 'inet_interfaces' => 'all',
    4. 'smtp_bind_address' => '',
    5. 'smtp_bind_address6' => '2001:db8::1',
    6. # 'relayhost' => '',
    7. 'smtp_address_preference' => 'ipv6'
    8. );

    To activate this i ran "/var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-setup -r mta"

    The result: The hookfile changes the Config-File for a short period of time. Not all parameters are set (especially the last 2 aren't set) - after a short time (when setup proceeds) the file gets overwritten. So no changes are made.

    Bind9 Dualstack:

    Some Curiosity happens:
    This listener file creates the correct records for the "standard"-domain. Each subdomain oder custom-dns-entry is missing.

    Since i'm not able to add manually the AAAA-Records to the base-domain and / or www this is really not so good.
    Hope somebody can help me.



    Ich versuch mein Glück dann mal.

    1. Tu uns allen den Gefallen und versuche fehlerfreies Deutsch oder Englisch zu schreiben. "leuft" gehört nicht dazu -> "läuft" heißt das korrekt.
    2. Versichere dich, dass du die Intermediate-Zertifikate und das Zertifikat der Root-CA in der korrekten Reihenfolge hast und entferne die Leerzeilen zwischen den einzelnen Zertifikaten.

    Sollte das alles nicht helfen, dann erstelle Nuxwin einen Account in deinem Panel, dann würde er sich darum kümmern. Nur dazu müsstest du wieder Punkt 1 erfüllen und ein Deutsch (oder Englisch) schreiben, welches auch verständlich (übersetzbar) ist. Alternativ ginge hier auch noch Französich, aber ich bezweifle, dass du dieser Sprache mächtig bist.

    Hey there,

    after Updating to 1.2.0 on Ubuntu 14.04 and reaktivating OwnDDNS i recieve the following error:

    1. iMSCP::File::get: Unable to open /etc/apache2/sites-available/00_master.conf: No such file or directory
    2. Plugin::OwnDDNS::_modifyApacheMasterConf: Unable to read /etc/apache2/sites-available/00_master.conf

    And the Plugin could not be activated.
    If I force the reactivation I get an error of an duplicate Entry in my Database.
    This seems to be caused by the first activation try, where the Plugin creates the DNS-Record entries in the Database.

    How to fix?

    Thanks for the fast help!

    One question is still remaining:

    In the database my domains are shown with backup "full".
    In the admin-panel backup says "disabled".

    Which information is now correct and how can I change it?


    Hey everybody,

    I'm not quite sure how to proceed any further.
    My Server-ISP didn't properly backup my Server so the state of the system is the following:

    config-files from ispcp 1.0.3
    database from ispcp 1.0.7
    no daemons of ispcp / i-mscp running expect of the loggin-daemons as defined in apache-Configfiles.

    apache / mysql / postfix / courier / etc. running on those "old" configs.

    All web-pages, e-mails etc. are accessbile right now, except of those old ispcp-pages.
    There I only recieve a blank page.

    How should I proceed?
    1) "update" again to ispcp 1.0.7
    2) try to migrate this state to i-mscp?

    Thanks for your help,


    i would like to do that. But not today or tomorrow. It's really not good that i have a big lack of time.

    about the rollback:
    i hope that my ISP is rolling back to today 16:00. Unfortunately i got no response yet.
    at the moment i'm uploading the backup I did on Sunday 17th, but it is also old and not updated to 1.0.7.

    So if everything works i got a really undefined system state. Hope that you could help me out of that situation.

    System State would be:
    config-files from ispcp 1.0.3
    database from ispcp 1.0.7
    no daemons of ispcp / i-mscp running
    apache / mysql / postfix / courier / etc. running on those "old" configs.

    maybe it would be better if you can choose wheter you want to delete all files or not when uninstalling i-mscp.

    good night,

    at the moment none of them is correctly working.

    passwords in Table mail_users (for example) are not hashed.
    currently i'm trying to fix all errors. - didn't mind that the uninstall removes all data.
    so i'm rolling back to the last snapshot.

    The Database is still named ispcp, but I think there's the new layout in there.

    There I will try to change the migration-script to leave out the database-changes.

    The thread you linked gives up one more question. In past the user's php-files created other files owned by a vu200X. At the momentary configuration (that should be changed of course) the process can't access these files, so i get an error.

    Which of these Methods is using the vu200X-rights? Both?