add $date to sql Backup

  • Hi,

    to make downloading of backups more easy it is helpful, if the date of the backup is attached to the sql-backup like it is for the htdocs backup as well.

    I did three little changes in /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-all may be you could make them official part of the script:

    The only change is to add -$date to the three times where $bkpDir/$_.sql occurs, so that it is $bkpDir/$_-$date.sql.


    Edited once, last by thoand ().

  • We do not want such change ;)


    Cool likes this.
  • Ok, could you tell me why you make a difference between the naming of the sql backup and the htdocs backup? There might be a reason I cannot see and I do not want to run into problems.