proftpd will auto hang

  • I use 1.2.2 i-MSCP and use proftpd 1.3.5rc3 version.But my proftpd will auto hang and can't connect it.Please see attachment jpg file.Where to see and check log file?

  • @ak6783

    Hello ;

    First , you should note that when you're reporting a problem on our forum, specially when you're posting in English section, you *must* post in English (even for the error messages that are reported by your FTP client).

    About your problem: This is surely a problem that belongs to the proftpd SQL user. I've fixed something about this today in our 1.2.x branch.

    How to solve it:? Well, try to rerun the installer as shown below, and when you're asked for the proftpd password, enter a password manually, without any Number sign character ( # ) nor double-quotes character. Once done, give a new try.

    1. # cd <path_to_imscp_archive>
    2. # perl imscp-autoinstall -dasr ftpd

    See also:


  • @ak6783

    You could update using this archive…

    This archive contains is the code from the 1.2.x branch which holds the code for the next version 1.2.3 However, be aware that plugins which are currently available in our plugins store are not compatible. The plugin store will be updated in few days with latest available plugins versions.

    Thank you for using i-MSCP


  • @ak6783

    Just follow these instructions:

    • Uninstall and delete your current PhpSwitcher plugin version if already installed
    • Update i-MSCP using the link I've provided in my previous post
    • Install the PhpSwitcher plugin using the code from our plugins repository as follow:

    1. # aptitude install unzip
    2. # cd /usr/local/src
    3. # wget
    4. # unzip
    5. # cp -rp plugins-master/incubator/PhpSwitcher /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/
    6. # perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/

    Then, once done, you must update the plugin list through the plugin interface and follow the instructions which are described here:…/PhpSwitcher#installation
    For installing new PHP versions, I recommend you to use the PHP compiler which is provided in the PhpSwitcher plugin. Read the file carefully.


  • Hello,
    I test update use this command "perl imscp-autoinstall -dasr ftpd"
    But at finial will show follow message.


    One or many i-MSCP related processes are currently running on your system.
    You must wait until the end of the processes and re-run the installer

    I don't know need wait what service.And I can't make sure update is all right?
    How to check update?