How to report ham or spam mail by mail client on spamassassin?

  • I have installed spamassassin and spamassassin plugins on i-MSCP.
    I know can report mail to spam use roundcube webmail.
    But I use thunderbird mail client.How to report mail as a ham or spam?
    Thanks a lot.

  • Should be enough to move them to the junk folder. Roundcube does the same after marking a mail as spam..

  • Roundcube can mark mail to spam.But can't can't mark ham if mail already mark ****spam****.
    And sa-learn must can learn spam and ham mail.
    I can setup imap on thunderbird.But it's won't move mail to /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/SpamAssassin/sa-learn path even I mark this mail as spam mail on thunderbird.Could support to mail client or another solution?

  • I think
    Create two default account.spam and non-spam account on system.
    If user received spam mail.He can send to spam account.If user received not spam mail but system set as spam mail.He can send to non-spam account.And system cron to sa-learn spam account and non-spam account.Is this possible?

  • On my system, I'm running a cron-job every two hours for junk and another one for ham. sa-learn just iterates over junk-folders:
    0 */2 * * * for i in $(find /var/mail/virtual/ -type d -ctime -1 -name .Junk); do echo "$i: " && sa-learn --spam $i; done >> /var/log/spamlearn.log 2>&1

    The users just have to move false-negatives to the junk-folder and false-positives to the ham-folder.