just updated from ispcp and see that the "Modification" and "Addition" are both in progress when i add or change domain aliases.
Can you give me some hints to debug this?`
just updated from ispcp and see that the "Modification" and "Addition" are both in progress when i add or change domain aliases.
Can you give me some hints to debug this?`
Sorry. No Support here?
Support yes, but alll Members here Make this in Freetime So it can take sometimes a bit longer
hej ok no proboem.
just fixed it...
problem was that i thought that the daily snapshots were newer than the stable release. so i installed this.
now i upgraded to stable and it works again.
sorry for the wind.
get back to your coffee...
ok. Dailysnapshot from Mainpage?? If yes, then we should fix the Links
You can find the newest Master here:
c0urier: Can you fix the Links on Mainpage for the Daily Snapshot??
yes it was on the main downloads page.
thank you very much that you care about those little things.
There is no links for Snapshots on the main page. The snapshots are located on the /download page.
Stables releases and RC candidates are found from the Quick download section in the right info section on the main page.
All links are pointing where they should as far as I can see anyway. I don't see anything mentioning Snapshots on the main page only on the /download page.
If something is linking wrong please clarify so I can correct it.
i downloaded from the downloads page.. tar.gz
sorry for the wrong info, with main page i meant i-mscp.net not github...
No problem, can I closed this thread or will you do it yourself? =)
Just to let you know:
There is still i-MSCP (beta 5) in the daily snapshots.