multiple wordpress installs on single domain

  • Is it possible to install worpdress multiple times in the same domain but using different sub-directories using the app installer?

    example: one install at another at and another at

    Currently the only way I'm able to do this is to download and unzip wordpress manually in the required directories.

    i-MSCP details:

    i-MSCP 1.2.2
    Build: 20150212
    Codename: Andromeda

  • Currently the only way I'm able to do this is to download and unzip wordpress manually in the required directories.

    Yes?? If you want to do it with the software installer, the software installer is not thought for such individual scenarios..^^

    PS: I always upload my packages manually. It's the cleanest way

  • Okay, is there any plans for such a feature? As it's just an additional 2 steps (download and extract into directory) then it's not so much of a big issue but it is just what the customer is looking for.

  • Hello ;

    The current software installer implementation doesn't allow to install multiple instances of the same software for the same customer. This is a bad implementation which will be fixed in version 2.0.0 (full rewrite of the software installer layer). We cannot change the implementation which is shipped with i-MSCP 1.2.x serie because by doing this we could introduce too much bugs.
