"Quota in MB" ausblenden

  • Hallo zusammen,
    ich möchte die im Anhang markierte Abfrage "Quota in MB" nicht haben. Wir wollen, dass jedes Konto so viel Speicher nimmt wie es benötigt, ohne Vorgabe.
    Weiß jemand ob man das deaktivieren kann.

    Unter ispCP erscheint so ein Feld beispielsweise nicht.



  • My German is not very good, but I'll try to answer you, if you can, please post your question in English too ;)

    That field shows the maximum of MB's that can be used by this user.
    You may put it at the max number, but note that you can not create any more user accounts if there's no MB's left.

    You can not create an account without a quota

  • Hi Theemstra,

    thanks. That answeres my question. Your german must be pretty good :)

    But, does that mean, that if i want to create 30 accounts, i have to know befor how much space they might use. and what happens when there are no MBs left and i want to create 10 more accounts, do i have to resize all the other accounts? and what happens if one user reaches his max MB?
    Are there any settings in the Admin interface?

    i am just wondering, because in ispCP is no such limitation.

    Thanks for your help

    best regards

  • You can remove the mail quota for the (domain) user. In the admin panel go to the user list and "Edit Domain", in there you put a zero for email quota.

    You can also have a look at "Settings->Email Settings->Redistribute unused quota across existing mailboxes" (as admin)

  • @Timo Vomstein

    I'm happy to see that some here know how i-MSCP is working ;)


  • Hi Timo,
    thanks for your answer.
    we did that both but it didnt solve our problem.
    you can only put a zero for email quota when you put a zero for disc space too.

    when i set "Settings->Email Settings->Redistribute unused quota across existing mailboxes" to yes, then you have to set "quota in MB" anyway.