More RAM memory needed after upgrade to 1.2.2 ?

  • Hi,

    I had 3 servers under debian 7.8 which run i-mscp 1.1.19.
    Since I made the upgrade to the last stable release 1.2.2, I had several stranges problems (Mail notification about imscp-dsk-quota, mysql refuse to launch correctly...)

    After research and help from members of this forum, I increase a little bit the RAM of my all 3 servers (I'm hosted at, so it's easy), and the problems seem solved...

    So my question is : am I the only one which had this issue, or are there some additionnal setting to fix this memory need ?

  • Hello ;

    First, you must know that the memory requirement is not linked to i-MSCP. i-MSCP is only a management system which allows to automate administration tasks for a shared hosting environment.

    The memory requirement depend on several factors such as number of PHP applications you are running, number of mail treated by day and so on... Minimum memory requirement is 1GB but this is a minimum. The needed memory grow depending of your server usage.

    Here, we cannot help you. This is a pure administrative task. For instance, our server for the forum is running with 4 GB memory.

    BTW: From my point of view, the vserver which are provided by gandi are not really appropriated for shared hosting.


  • Quote

    First, you must know that the memory requirement is not linked to i-MSCP. i-MSCP is only a management system which allows to automate administration tasks for a shared hosting environment.

    Yes I know :)
    However the coincidence is strange. Maybe there was a new version of as program such as mysql, apache, postfix which need more resource. I will look this way.


    The memory requirement depend on several factors such as number of PHP applications you are running, number of mail treated by day and so on... Minimum memory requirement is 1GB but this is a minimum. The needed memory grow depending of your server usage.

    Of course, but until now, I could host hundred of small websites with very few resources (a little bit more 1Go).
    In my experience (8 years), i-mscp (and his predecessors) could easily host 10/20 small websites with only 512Mo of RAM. That's one of the reason why I choose this solution instead of other panel more "heavy"
    But it really depend of the server usage.


    From my point of view, the vserver which are provided by gandi are not really appropriated for shared hosting.

    I'm using professionnaly their VPS since the begining and I'm really happy with their plateform. Their backup snapshots are very usefull when something going wrong during i-MSCP upgrade ;)
    You can of course use a dedicated server and using xen, proxmox or other solutions to doing this, depending of your ability and time you want to put inside.

    But we digress :)

  • Hi there,

    for long time I was running ispCP and iMSCP on systems with 256 and 512 MB RAM. It requires several manual tweaks to the different processes but is definitly possible. Does it make sense? Well you have decide...

    Some hints:
    - -> shows memory usage per application
    - MySQL innodb can be a memory monster, the caches can be reduced though
    - Apache prefork eats more then workers, but those need to be limited too
    - ClamAV is killer as it loads all databases into RAM
    - SpamAssassin or Amavis if used is second after ClamAV
    - PHP highly depends on the configuration. FPM can be controlled per domain on a very fine grained base. But don't try to run highly active blogs/cms'es.
    - iMSCP brough Nginx running next to Apache, with a little overhead for running two servers

    In the end Nuxwin is correctly stating that the default iMSCP for most use cases requires at least 1 GB RAM. The rest is up to your manual tweaking but possible. Now if only those tweaks could be saved during iMSCP config rewrite... :P