Install piwik instead of awstats

  • I've been doing some improvements on this, you can see the work done at the branch piwik in github, getting closer :)

  • Could someone test the last changes in branch piwik? I am stuck in a error that I don't know where it cames from.

  • Sure, see the attached image, the problem with this error is that it doens't seem to come directly the Database.php code, I don't create any table called config, so there's probably something wrong there ...

  • Sure, see the attached image, the problem with this error is that it doens't seem to come directly the Database.php code, I don't create any table called config, so there's probably something wrong there ...

    I'll have a look at this but anyway, I 'm against doing it in such way. The schema databases for components (addons) should not be created via the iMSCP_Update_Database class. I would recommend to use a dump file (such as for imscp) and create the database from the addon installer. About roundcube, I think it was a bad idea to reuse the iMSCP database and I'll look over ASAP to fix that.


  • Quote

    I'll have a look at this but anyway, I 'm against doing it in such way. The schema databases for components (addons) should not be created via the iMSCP_Update_Database class. I would recommend to use a dump file (such as for imscp) and create the database from the addon installer. About roundcube, I think it was a bad idea to reuse the iMSCP database and I'll look over ASAP to fix that.

    I agree with you, the reason to use Database.php was that I was told it was the best option at the moment.
    Altought it's true that installing components via the main update script is not nice, it seems that at the moment is the only option that is possible, and more important, it provides a mechanism to update the database when there are newer version of the component (piwik in this case)
    In fact that was my first intention, I created a dump file in configs/debian/database/install.xml and configured it into
    configs/debian/database/install.xml but I had problems with i-mscp trying to create the database every time.
    If you point me to another way of doing it I'll have a look.

  • Hello;

    The install/update logic can be implemented into the addon installer. Each addon can provide its own logic. When new update come for a dedicated addon, you can use an update.sql file. I'll find a software and create an addon for imscp with it just to show you that all is possible. I'll create afterlogic addon for imscp.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().