where is ssl in 1.2.0

  • lol
    i know someone is gonna say there it is and it will be there. :D:D
    i have enabled ssl in admin, yet i cannot find activate ssl in reseller.
    i also looked in the customer panel around domain and nope, no ssl there


  • You need to enable it in the installer.

    1. perl imscp-autoinstaller -dr ssl

    should do the job...

  • hi
    thanks. but what is the logic of having the enabled ssl in admin if one still have to rerun the installer?
    naturally if one enables sll from admin then it should make more sense to enable the ssl functions in
    reseller and client.

    just asking :)

  • You need to rerun the installer because some packages are needed (mod_ssl). Otherwise you may don't need them and so they shouldn't be loaded because of performance, stability & security reasons.

  • @pzubri

    You're talking about SSL for the panel site or for customer's sites ? If you want enable ssl feature for your customers, you must enable it in admin/settings interface. Once done, your customers can add their certificates ( See the screens below).

    @Ninos According your last answer, I would recommend you to stop the bottle :D You must rerun installer only if you want setup SSL certificates for panel site or services (smtp, ftp, imap ...). The ssl module ( apache module ) is always enabled by i-MSCP. ;)


    • ssl.png

      (290.1 kB, downloaded 55 times, last: )
    • ssl_2.png

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  • thanks for the responses.
    now that i have seen the images an interesting situation has surfaced,
    below are 2 images.
    1, the client page without the domain icon
    2, the services ports mainly showing zeros as the ip address

    the client domains that were created are all running fine and all used services are running fine too.
    am i missing to do something or did i overlook a major step.

    i have removed the url,domain name and client user from image sections



    • fffff.png

      (90.33 kB, downloaded 51 times, last: )
    • fffff2.png

      (105.83 kB, downloaded 54 times, last: )
  • @pzubri

    1. It's a bug so. I'll fix that
    2. mean all Ips


  • badge.php?id=1239063037&bid=2518&key=1747635596&format=png&z=547451206