Install bug on fresh debian install

  • hello
    im new user and i want test I-Mscp for my future website but i have a problem for install it
    i have make a short movies for you can look my problem
    it is a fresh install of debian lenny on a VM
    i have juste make apt-get update after his creation

    can you help me ??
    thanks a lot

    Edited once, last by Anthology ().

  • would be best if you only copy the highlighted error in the video to here.

  • Code
    1. "remove_tree" is not exported by the File::Path module
    2. can't continue after import errors at /root/imscp/engine/PerLib/iMSCP/ line 211
    3. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /root/imscp/engine/PerLib/iMSCP/ line 211
    4. Compilation failed in require at ./ line 51.
    5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./ line 51.
    6. [ ERROR ] iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code is 9!

    thanks a lot

  • i use cloud for all my test of webpanel etc
    I have never had problem with
    how can we know if the debian image is broken?

  • thanks a lot
    but a post with the error code and the solution can help the new member