Error beim Update von 1.1.21 auf 1.2.0

  • Hallo Community, eben habe ich mich entschlossen auf die neue stable zu aktualisieren.
    Leider trat beim Hauptserver ein Fehler auf wärend der Installation, alle Plugins wurden dafor deaktiviert.

    Bitte um schnelle Hilfe da unser Dienst nun Offline ist mit allen darauf gehosteten Webseite, es geht sicher nicht lang bis wir mit Beschwerden überflutet werden.

    Hier der Error:

    i-MSCP - internet Multi Server Control Panel (1.2.0)
    ┌───────────────────────────i-MSCP Setup Dialog──────────────────────────────┐─
    │ │
    │ Processing step 21 of 21 │
    │ │
    │ Restarting services │
    │ │
    │ Processing step 11 of 11 │
    │ │
    │ Restarting Frontend (Nginx) service... │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
    │ │ 100% │ │
    │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │

    i-MSCP - internet Multi Server Control Panel (1.2.0)
    ┌───────────────────────────i-MSCP Setup Dialog──────────────────────────────┐─
    │ │
    │ [ERROR] │
    │ │
    │ Error while performing step: │
    │ │
    │ Restarting Frontend (Nginx) service... │
    │ │
    │ Error was: │
    │ │
    │ Package::FrontEnd::start: Unable to start nginx service │
    │ │
    │ Please have a look at if you need help. │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ < Ok > │

    i-MSCP - internet Multi Server Control Panel (1.2.0)
    ┌───────────────────────────i-MSCP Setup Dialog──────────────────────────────┐─
    │ │
    │ [ERROR] │
    │ │
    │ Error while performing step: │
    │ │
    │ Restarting services │
    │ │
    │ Error was: │
    │ │
    │ Package::FrontEnd::start: Unable to start nginx service │
    │ main::setupRestartServices: Unable to restart Frontend (Nginx) service │
    │ │
    │ Please have a look at if you need help. │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ < Ok > │

    i-MSCP - internet Multi Server Control Panel (1.2.0)
    ┌───────────────────────────i-MSCP Setup Dialog──────────────────────────────┐─
    │ │
    │ [ERROR] │
    │ │
    │ Error while performing step: │
    │ │
    │ Processing setup tasks │
    │ │
    │ Error was: │
    │ │
    │ Package::FrontEnd::start: Unable to start nginx service │
    │ main::setupRestartServices: Unable to restart Frontend (Nginx) service │
    │ │
    │ Please have a look at if you need help. │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ < Ok > │


    Package::FrontEnd::start: Unable to start nginx service
    main::setupRestartServices: Unable to restart Frontend (Nginx) service
    autoinstaller::Functions::install: An error occured while performing installation steps


    Wenn ich versuche den nginx Service manuell zu starten kommt folgendes :

    root@root:/home/administrator/Downloads/imscp_updates/imscp-1.2.0# service nginx restart
    [....] Restarting nginx: nginxnginx: [emerg] bind() to 46.237.XXX.XXX:8080 failed (98: Address already in use)
    nginx: [emerg] bind() to 46.237.XXX.XXX:8080 failed (98: Address already in use)
    nginx: [emerg] bind() to 46.237.XXX.XXX:8080 failed (98: Address already in use)
    nginx: [emerg] bind() to 46.237.XXX.XXX:8080 failed (98: Address already in use)
    nginx: [emerg] bind() to 46.237.XXX.XXX:8080 failed (98: Address already in use)
    nginx: [emerg] still could not bind()

  • Hello ;

    Do you are using the monitorix plugin? If yes, do you have read i-MSCP 1.2.0 released ( New Stable Release )?

    Next time, read the announcement threads ;)


  • Hello ;

    Do you are using the monitorix plugin? If yes, do you have read i-MSCP 1.2.0 released ( New Stable Release )?

    Next time, read the announcement threads ;)

    Hello Nuxwin,
    thank you for your quick answer to you is always forsake;)
    But I have previously adjusted the Monitorix Config.
    But probably forget to restart the service after a server reboot worked the update to 1.2.0

    I thought I'd start the service again, but since it works now must have indeed located iwo the error.
    Well I have the time, many things on my mind, since you can sometimes get confused.

    Unfortunately, this does not secure the panel with StartSSL with me still, will then probably try another provider, I have allerdingsd afor pay: /.

    Thank you in any case