Hi there,
it looks kind of strange to me. During upgrade to 1.2 first I had the autoinstall not recognize json. It was missing /etc/php5/mods-available/json.ini. My PHP is from dotdeb.org which has json compiled in. I fixed this by simply adding an empty json.ini.
Now when going to http://serverip:8080/ I get this:
But mcrypt is loaded at least with 'php -m' and using a phpinfo() on the Apache website. I'm checking through the logs but by default everything seems disabled as all logs are empty. What information could be useful? Where should I check next?
First of all, as I also saw past issues on Trac with PHP modules. Can't we use php -m to check for modules instead of scanning the ini's? The ini approach looks a bit error prone to me.
Happy new year!