as I wrote in the title, both of my hdd in my server crashed yesterday at the same time.
The first hdd is completly crashed. The second hdd just loose some parts and I can connect via SSH/SFTP... but... the system-partition (sda1) is okay, the swap-partition (sda2) is okay... the partition thats most important for me is sda3, the data-partition. This has crashed and loosed the some of the filesystem-informations. Even if I try to mount it, (mout /dev/sda3/...) I get an error with the info, that I have to tell the right filesystemformat. And this is my problem. fdisk shows me, that this will be "Linux Raid autodetect".
I tried so many things, but nothing works.
Did someone knows a working tool to change the filesystem without loosing the data in it? It should be for Linux, or Windows via SFTP.
The Serversystem is Debian 7.
If someone has an idea but need more informations, please tell me.