error al acceder al revendedor version 1.1.17

  • Hola
    tengo la version 1.1.17

    ycuando voy a entrar en el revendedor me ale este error:

    An error has been encounteredAn exception with the following message has been thrown in file /var/www/imscp/gui/library/shared-functions.php (Line: 2529):

    SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: no parameters were bound

    Query was:

    SELECT * FROM domain WHERE domain_id = ?

    pantallazo del error en custion:

    Alguna idea?

  • You must check your imscp database for orphan entries


  • Thanks any idea how to do that?
    Know if there is any sciprt to move domains from one server to another imscp again?

    thank you