An error has been encountered

  • Hi
    Once you log into the admin panel gives me the following error:

    Overall, the problem comes when I try to change from the admin account to a reseller, and I get this error.
    I try to login with Reseller name and to add a new customer and gave me an error : An error occurred. Please contact your administrator.

    Linux:ubuntu trusty
    i-MSCP version:1.1.16


    • imscp.png

      (56.99 kB, downloaded 65 times, last: )

    OpEn YouR mINd , OpeN YouR SourcE cOdE

  • Hello ;

    This is due to some orphaned entries. You must check your database integrity


  • Hello,
    What i did was that i back to the old version and i-mscp-1.1.14 and everything was in Okay.
    Then upgraded to 1.1.16 and now everything worked as it should

    OpEn YouR mINd , OpeN YouR SourcE cOdE