i have a problem to update a debian squeeze system from i-MSCP 1.1.13 to 1.1.14. The autoinstall-script ask me if i have a mysql-5.1 and other dbs, but i have a mysql-5.5 from dotdeb.org (and a newer php-version). I choose mysql-5.1.
After the autoinstall-script failed with an error, i check the actual mysql-version is 5.1 and the dotdeb-sources cleaned from the sources.list. Then i go back to mysql-5.5 and start the 1.1.13 autoinstall-script and then all works again.
What shoul i do, when i want to use the dotdeb-sources and got to a newer version of I-MSCP?
And should i go directly to 1.1.16 or should i go every step from 1.1.13 to 1.1.14 to 1.1.15 to 1.1.16?
Should i go to mariadb 10? With the autoinstall-script or hand-upgrade via apt-get?
Thank you all for your answers and i hope my english is good enough.