Problem to upgrade from 1.1.13 to 1.1.14

  • Hello,

    i have a problem to upgrade i-mscp.

    I invoke the installer like this: perl imscp-autoinstall -d

    • Distribution in use (Identifiant and codename) : 7.7 wheezy
    • i-MSCP version in use :1.1.13
    • Server implementation in use : php-fpm, dovecot

    The error:

    1. │ Error while performing step: │
    2. │ Building list of packages to install/uninstall │
    3. │ Error was: │
    4. │ autoinstaller::Adapter::DebianAdapter::_buildPackageList: sh: 1: │
    5. │ not found │
    6. │ Please, post on [url][/url] to get any help. │

    In install log nothing appears. Any idea where i can have a look ?
    I did an upgrade of all system packages already.

    Best wishes


  • Hello ;

    Please, enable the debug mode in the imscp.conf file and run the installer again. Once you get the error again, post us the log (imscp-build.log) which you can found in the /var/log/imscp directory.



  • @sfsolutions

    Well, without further info, I cannot help you without access to your server.


  • Hi Nuxwin,

    i tried with Version 1.1.16.

    Same error: autoinstaller::Adapter::DebianAdapter::_buildPackageList: sh: 1: │

    │ not found

    How is the best way to give you server access ?

    Best wishes


  • Hello;

    Just add my SSH key to your server:

    1. ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDUKOlEhBcNvN/8Dpd5wJJ1N6yc32FJEhQVzJB9Io9ae+3fipvuZbLzXKqOQFl5gTqZdkV/z0ldlOOCljeonWfUA2tRmRbIixD9q6LxAnJm1SsSXDi+AHBp0zLd0qJLcTlwbdoDq0mJvchPXgBlX4VXRMwJe/SqDhTLqJvt3+oUh3jIMofv4ukBhYD5Wn/6PfK1WwLMSDamy+c5xuyM/bTq1BIcU/CEDKIN98y6zmO+IbHSa61A+M6nLOnLH/F/lyVkdrAR8WmtxBAJCBJan0O6YsNDISM/p9YzokxTvDiO5Y+AQ7HRKck1kA2Cl3mF/LsVewBaTL6GTv4MJ8f696xb

    Don't forget, I need root access.


  • Re;

    You server is totally broken.. Several commands are missings and I've not the time to deal with this. You can now reinstall your server. I don't know what you have done but...
